Isgred smiled slightly, as she finally reached the top of the hill and could see the city. It was even bigger than she expected, streets filled with people, the harbor filled with ships. There were many different sigils on those ships, many earls stopping in the city on way to their raids to pay their respects to the king. One raid was being prepared to leave the next morning, or at least that is how she saw it in the runes. She slowly headed to the city, slightly tired as she had already walked many miles that day. She could have a horse. Hell, she could have a dozen of horses if she had asked. But all of the vǫlur took pride in walking the lands on foot, so that everyone could approach them and ask for their services. Isgred couldn’t really complain – when she was a guest to one earl or another, she lived in almost too big luxury for her taste. An occasional sleep under the stars and blisters on her feet reminded her that she is but a servant to the gods. There seemed to be a large commotion at the great hall, the arriving warrior gathering there to meet the king. Isgred would head there eventually, but it was not the king she had to see first. The Seer’s hut stood in the outskirts – what was once probably a secluded location was now a slum full of the less fortunate, poor or sick. Isgred raised her hand to knock, but the door opened before she could even touch them. “I have been waiting for you.” The Seer was an old woman, withered with age, her wrinkly face seemed to always have a serious expression. But her eyes, strange eyes – one blue and one brown, her eyes showed no signs of her age, piercing through Isgred like they could see her very soul. Isgred knew that this woman replaced the original famous Seer of Kattegat, who had disappeared mysteriously many years ago. Some people believed that he had finally crossed the line to the other world and joined with the gods, disappearing from this world completely. She entered the small hut and bowed deeply before the Seer. Although their kind had no set hierarchy, the seers of Kattegat were generally considered amongst the strongest and the wisest and meeting her was a great honor. “I expected you yesterday,” the Seer said quietly. Isgred couldn’t say if it was meant as an admonition, question or just a general statement. [color=0072bc]“I had to help deliver a baby on the road.”[/color] “Ah, a gift of life. That is good to hear. Build a fire for me girl, my old bones rattle in cold days like this one.” Isgred kneeled beside a small fireplace in the middle and soon the room was illuminated by dancing flames. The old woman came closer and warmed her hands. “Why did you come to see me?” Isgred sighed. There was no point in trying to hide anything. [color=0072bc]“I am uncertain of the will of the gods.”[/color] The Seer smiled. “Mortals can never be certain of the will of the gods. You are certain of your own will?” [color=0072bc]“Yes,”[/color] Isgred nodded. [color=0072bc]“But I am a servant to the gods, to the people. My will is irrelevant.”[/color] “There are many ways to serve, child. Giving life and taking life are just two sides of one coin.” The Seer tossed a speck of herbs into the fire. Sweet smelling smoke filled the room, as she stared into the fire. “You were given many gifts,” she said after what felt like an eternity. “Which ones you choose to give and to whom is up to you. Ocean of blood awaits you. Don’t get lost in it.” The old woman closed her eyes. “Leave now. I must rest.” [color=0072bc]“Thank you,”[/color] Isgred mumbled with a bow and left the hut. It was dark already, how did that even happen? She shook her head, trying to get rid of the dizziness caused by the smoke. She wasn’t exactly sure of what the Seer’s words meant, but it seemed that she didn’t mind Isgred going out with the raiding party. The ‘ocean of blood’ part definitely sounded promising. Unless it was meant to be her own blood. But that was the thing with the prophecies. You rarely knew their exact meaning until they came true. Who else should know better than her. With the world still slightly spinning around her, she headed to the great hall. There was a great feast happening, many men and women eating and drinking, excited about the upcoming raid. She entered the great hall and approached the king. [color=0072bc]“King Bjorn,”[/color] she said with a bow, [color=0072bc]“my name is Isgred.”[/color] “Welcome. Any servant of the gods is more than welcome at my table,” he replied with a smile. Isgred smiled in return and walked around the room, accepting a mug of ale from one of the girls. She caught a word here and there and soon knew that the raid was led by a certain Aksel Hallgrimsson, an earl from Denmark, who right now was sitting at the table with a mug in his hand, eying the servant girls. She walked towards him. [color=0072bc]“Earl Hallgrimsson? I am Isgred and I would like to join your raid to England.”[/color] [@Wick]