[center][h2][color=azure][b][u]Kris Sterling-Silva[/u][/b][/color][/h2] [@Crusader Lord][@Kalleth][/center] Everything just happened so fast, before her hand met the hot head's face someone or something constructed a barrier between the two of them to separate the two of them, it also stopped whatever attack that the monster handed girl could've done with her element, it then also stopped Kris' second attack with the pointed spike and once they both had a look at each other, her grey eyes met the fire user's red eyes for a moment and she saw someone who would see her wrath when this barrier falls. Right before Kris could do something the hobo looking teacher stepped in and grabbed her by the wrist as if she was some sort of child and yanked her away from the other girl."[color=Azure] H-Hey! So now you want to do something?[/color]" She told him before she felt weight gather up on her ankles and feet encapsulating them and holding her in one spot. As she tried to pull her feet from the concrete Manilow encased her in, Kris just grew angrier and wanted to scream, she held it back and held her breath in the process as she began pulling on her legs in vain attempts to escape from Manilow's "Timeout" The princess tugged on one of her legs one last time before giving up and starting a tantrum, she screamed before going she started yelling."[color=Azure]Why am I in trouble?![/color]" She screamed at Manilow."[color=Azure] I had to ride on a train and plane for hours with people burping and sneezing everywhere and making messes, then I had to stay on a boring train for hours and get my stuff just thrown off like it was trash by the people on it![/color]" Tears began welling up in her eyes now with her getting upset."[color=azure]It's her fault, I didn't do anything! I only defended myself.[/color]" She tried pulling her legs out again."[color=Azure] I didn't ask to be here in this school, I just wanted my father to listen to me for once and think about what he was doing, but no don't listen to your only daughter, just marry some floozie that knows how to use Ice better than the last one. I didn't want to be here, I never asked for this, I never wanted to come to this academy.[/color]" She spoke aloud still trying to free up her feet while tears slowly streamed down her face."[color=Azure] Now I going to be here for who knows long getting in trouble because people don't know how to use their powers and I have next to nothing to wear, I going to have to dress like everyone else and look like a common person, wearing rags that shouldn't dare touch my skin.[/color]" She tried hitting the concrete with her hands, nearly losing her balance."[color=azure] I want to go home back to castle Erebus and go back to my old teachers.[/color]" The princess then gave up and fell backward on her butt, she looked over to Diana and Manilow wiping tears into her sleeves trying to compose herself as best she could."[color=Azure]We're in trouble right?[/color]" She asked, right now she wanted her blanket to wrap herself up.