Cameron stepped into the hallway, his eyes busy taking in the sights of the academy's grand walls and halls and his jaw a little slack from the sheer size and beauty of the building. He looked up to the walls and ceilings and hitched his quiver of arrows back onto his shoulders, making them rattle against Fothaes' slender body. Beside him, Zala grumbled and hobbled along, trying her best to keep up on her stout legs. Her back was aching from the long journey and the blister forming on the heel of her right foot from the new shoes she had bought was threatening to burst if she didn't sit down soon. She longed for her comfortable slippers or a pair of well-worn tennis shoes, but the Lady of the house had insisted that she had new shoes and a new dress for her trip. No doubt that what she had really wanted was her son to be seen in presentable company. Zala had hitched up her skirts to walk up and into the foyer of the building and she tutted loudly as she glanced up at her gormless companion, [color=598527]"You keep looking up like that and you'll trip over someone,"[/color] she warned him, [color=598527]"you're not the only one here."[/color] Cameron blinked out of his observations and looked down at Zala, before around and finding himself too close to a group of students and teachers. He shook his head and muttered a soft apology before stepping back to look at the group. Small. He had been expecting more, but he supposed it wasn't every day that someone found a telepathic magical item in the forest... nor under their bed in Zala's case. [@shamrocknroll][@RoccanIronclad]