[quote=@catchamber] Nationstates worth their salt...based on what standard, exactly? We don't need to be hive minded insects or hyperdependent proles to get the job done. Being part of the latter group can present the risk of your cancerously parasitic leadership fucking up the whole game plan due to their petty bullshit. Life is organized chaos, just like everything else. Doesn't mean there's a [b]solid direction[/b] to it, because quantum physics shows that everything is in a constant state of diffusing flux. Hmm, have you met everyone to verify that they always want more? Are you even familiar with the precepts of religions such as Buddhism, which elevate the removal of all personal desires as a potential prerequisite to achieving enlightenment? [/quote] What a bunch of verbal diarrhea. How's Never Never land these days? And I included monks within my statement, and that has to be conditioned over years of trial and error. But I'm done talking to you, you live in fantasy land or have some dumbass warped view of reality, I blame big pharma. Take care now, bye bye then.