Phantom floated above the quarantine area of the city, to assess the situation below and see if there was anyway he could help fight against the infected civilians. He flew down into the quarantine area and was on the look out for the infected. His ghost powers allowed him to easily get into the sealed off place thanks to his flying. But regardless of his flight, he didn't want to draw too much attention and used his ability to become intangible to phase through a building. He quickly moved through the building since he didn't want to use up too much energy to maintain his intangible state. Once he was on the ground floor, Phantom made himself touchable again, and quickly moved to the door of the abandoned store to observe the commotion. From what he had heard, the super villain known as Tox had infected a good number of civilians on the east end of Engine city, and these poor souls were reduced to mutated flesh melted ghouls that were now a danger to the entire city. This wouldn't be the first time he had fight sick monsters that belonged in a B movie horror film, but he had yet to battle against ghouls in numbers such as this. But he had to help since he was a hero and there were uninfected people still in the zone who needed help and the authorities already had their hands full with trying to contain the chaos. Phantom opened the door to the streets and went to get into the fray. First he saw a group of six infected going after a family and Phantom acted quickly, flying straight at the ghouls. When they were within fifteen feet, he used his spiritual energy to lift all six of them up off the ground and slammed them right into the side of a building. He didn't know if the infected civilians could be cured of the disease, so he decided that saving uninfected civilians was of the greatest importance. And that meant stopping the ghouls by any means necessary.