When the Vile returned mocking each other soon afterwards, Goehearth smiled with glee. [color=c4df9b]"Death isss there, boss. He'sss talking with other godsss in the abandoned part of town."[/color] Goehearth cackled deeply. [color=ed1c24]"Excellent, my grand minions! Leave me now and come and warn me should anything of my children are heard."[/color] With a bow of their horrific heads, they turned to smoke. Goehearth turned into his Vile shadow and drifted towards the spot described. He saw Death, a young demigod, Stjerne and Zencrux. He got right in front of Death before he could notice the shadow, then formed. [color=ed1c24]"Hi Desious!"[/color] and he slugged him in the face. Then he bent downwards in his true form and picked death of the ground and bear-hugged him. [color=ed1c24]"You knew it was coming, yet you didn't prepare! Gotten slow in...what's it been? A millennium or two? How you been! Yes I'm angry, but more pissed at the little sprite bastard that woke me up from my delusions!"[/color]