[hider=Character Sheet] [center][h1][sub][color=white][b]Juliet Chosha/ Anansi Shiro inku no [/b][/color][/sub][/h1][/center] [img]http://animeflow.net/files/headphones,%20long%20hair,%20red%20eyes,%20bandaids,%20white%20hair,%20anime%20girls,%20original%20characters,%20shattered%20glass.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Juliet Chosha [b]Gender[/b]: Female. [b]Age[/b]: Visible Age-16 Actual Age-109 [b]Appearance[/b]: Juliet stands 5'1, and weighs 112 lbs. Her hair is naturally razor straight and goes down to her lower back. [b]Personality[/b]: Juliet, upon first greetings comes off as an extroverted individual whose quick to become friends with anyone she comes across, and even quicker to let things go and forgive all wrongs. She appears to naturally be able to project an easy-going nature which seems to say in bright neon letters "relax, you are in good company." However, this is really just a costume she's created. In reality, Juliet is a very introverted individual who enjoys her solitude, and has a very hard time letting go of the majority of slights against her. The reason why she wears her 'masks' is because she's found it to be the easiest way to deal with life in a society. That is not to say that Juliet hates everything about living in a world covered with humans (in one form or another) as she's a big fan of a lot of the popular media, especially film, and literature, or anything involving a good story. She's also a fan of video games, and puzzles of every shape and variety. Possibly the greatest surprise, at least to those who know who Juliet is under all the masks, is that she's truly a fan of multiplayer games as she loves to test her intelligence against others, especially if the others in question were responsible for some insult in the past. The only thing Juliet enjoys more than absorbing media, or playing games is creating her own. She's an advent writer, constantly creating stories of various length and type, which she hopes to someday publish, and possibly made into a movie. Although, the actually quality of the stories has been questionable as Juliet, though an imaginative and capable writer, doesn't exactly possess competent editing skills. Though, she will admit they're maybe a little bit better than her Zanjutsu abilities, but not by much. Juliet is a very proud individual who'd rather pretend her short comings didn't exist, all of which tend to focus on the physical side. Therefore, as a way to protect her pride, she tends to favor using her mental abilities almost completely. This has led her to excel at debating, strategy, philosophy, literature, sociology, physics, history, critical thinking and problem solving, as well as just amassing a mountain of useless facts. While she tends to do terribly at nearly anything having to do with her physical body. [b]Biography[/b]: In her youth, Juliet's temper and feeling of superiority constantly got her into trouble. She was either leading children into situations they had no right being in, or somehow turning the others against her thanks to a miscalculation in her part. Which was all fine and good until one day she talked several of her friends to try and capture a hollow which was supposedly spotted within a lawless district. The good news was it wasn't a hollow. The bad news is it was a rogue shinigami and just as dangerous as any hollow. Juliet was able to buy some time, distracting their opponent but not much. In the end, she found herself alone (all her friends being smart enough to run away) and at the end of a blade. If not for pure dumb luck, Juliet and her friend would've all been killed. Thankfully, a team of shinigamis were able to get to them in time. Which the leader, after a long hard scolding, talked Juliet into trying to enter the shinigami academy, which she did. Juliet flourished in the academy, at least for most parts. Her brilliant mind quickly helped her rise to the top of her class, or would've if not for her failure at Zanjustu and hand to hand combat. HOwever, her physical skills were so bad, after everything was tallied up, she ended up finding herself with the grades of an average student. [b]Former Life[/b]: In her previous life Juliet lived alone with her grandfather, who was nice most of the times, but was a mean drunk. He died when she was very young and so she bounced around foster care for some time before finally becoming eighteen and setting off on her own. She died after starving in some large woods because she was certain she could make it out on her own and didn't need to resort to calling for help. [color=Gray]【[u]Zanpakutō[/u]】[/color] [Hider=Name][color=Gray][u]Zanpakutō Name: Anansi Shiro inku no(of the white ink)[/u][/color] [color=Gray][u]Zanpakutō Spirit[/u][/color] [img]http://jamaicanpatwah.com/assets/img/dictionary/definitions/anansi.jpg[/img] [color=Gray][u]Zanpakutō Personality[/u][/color] Anansi is much more laid back and easy going than Juliet. He enjoys many of the same things she does, but he loves them simply for the entertainment they possess, never as a means of proving ones superiority over others. He's constantly teasing Juliet and playing tiny pranks on her. [color=Gray][u]Zanpakutō Inner World[/u][/color] [img]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_N-lLFhD7bxE/TJJsDd_gQPI/AAAAAAAAEm4/8LSm-qimRdk/Image.jpg?imgmax=800[/img] [color=Gray][u]Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance[/u][/color] [img]http://www.sword-wholesale.com/v/vspfiles/photos/JH-6418BLU-2.jpg[/img] [color=black]—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————[/color] [color=Gray][u]【Shikai】[/u][/color] [color=Gray][u]Release Command[/u][/color] Spin your web [color=Gray][u]Appearance[/u][/color] Upon the initial release Anansi's shikai takes the form of a small, metallic spider that's about an inch in diameter, which is capable of moving independently of Juliet. Note-Anansi's shape and size changes as its shikai increases in level. [color=Gray][u]Abilities[/u][/color] While Anansi's shikai is active, the spider is constantly feeding off Juliet's spiritual pressure, and so grows in size and ability the longer its out. [u]Stage 1 [/u]Anansi has access to the following abilities: [i]Movement-[/i]despite the tiny size of the shikai, Anansi is capable of rapidly covering large areas in a relatively short amount of time. [i]Fangs-[/i]Due to the level in which Anansi's power is condensed in its shikai form, the fangs are surprisingly sharp. [i]Venom-[/i]In it's shikai form Anansi produces a special type of venom that causes paralysis. Although, initially the venom does come off as weak due it not being very potent, it is extremely dangerous as it increases in volume by mixing with spiritual power of whoever its injected into. That is to say, the more spiritual power flowing through a bitten entity, the quicker it will take effect and leave said entity unable to move. -Due to the unique nature of Anansi's venom, Juliet is capable of mixing it with her own kido in order to add its paralytic effect to any of her spells. Though, by this method the effect is much weaker and doesn't expand with the user's spiritual power as it would if injected. [color=black]—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————[/color] [/hider] [b]Abilities[/b]: Juliet is an expert at Kido, easily capable of spells level fifty or lower without the need for the incantation. She's also halfway decent at shunpo. However, her real strengths aren't her physical abilities, but her mental faculties, which on all counts, should never be underestimated. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: -Juliet has basically no skills in zanjutsu or hakuda. -Her zanpakuto starts off relatively weak with limited abilities and constantly limits what she's capable of in terms of kido, which is her specialty. -The biggest drawback to Anansi's released form is that it is constantly consuming Juliet's spiritual pressure. The higher its stage, the more power it'll draw, thus lowering her overall effectiveness with kido. At its base form it draws about 20% of Juliet's energy output, and an additional 20% at every ascending stage. -Juliet cannot control her shikai's stages as its leveling up happens automatically. -Currently, Juliet isn't capable of producing enough spiritual power to reach any further than Anansi's initial shikai release [b]Theme[/b]: I'll think of this later [b]Other[/b]: Juliet prefers to keep her zanpakuto in its released state as its one less thing to have to carry , and usually keeps it located on her left wrist. [/hider]