[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/377908600573657088/Koharu_little.png[/img][/centre] Koharu sat curled up under the table probably laying on people feet. She was happy people weren't fussing about that, she just wanted to lay there for a bit. She listened in on the others talking, it seemed she started a conversation about quirks how exciting! She loved hearing about others quirks, she was less than keen on showing off her own quirk though. She found it embarrassing. She would much rather just tell them about it instead. [color=orchid]"I-I can talk about my [i]groan[/i]... My quirk... I absorb water and get bigger. At least that a-all I knoooooo-[i]groan[/i] know...[/color] Koharu grumbled a little, [color=orchid][i]Dammit Koharu why did you eat so much...[/i][/color] Koharu then started fidgeting under the table a little out of frustration.