Stina was rather unsure of what to do in this situation before Hassan ran in and drove away all of the patrons. He was surprised, but pleased. they'd be facing these pirates hand-to-hand shortly. "I thought your friend was supposed to be the calculating one?" Drogonov asked, and Stina couldn't help but break out in laughter as he rounded the corner and saw everyone slowly filing out. he didn't know why he found it so funny, but the whole situation was just.... hilarious. He eventually straightened up in time to get tossed the metal vial, and be told it tasted good. He knew better, but also knew that he needed the stuff to fight these people, and was grateful for it. He swallowed and grimaced before turning to Drogonov, who looked read to talk, while pulling out his axe. The explosion hit and Stina immediately moved for cover, really cursing not having his shield. Timing his movements around the pirate's reloading as best as he could, he began to move towards close range. Progress was slow though - too slow - frustratingly slow. The last straw was the SA egging him on. "c-c-cover me," he replied, flashing an even more vicious grin back. focusing his inner ether, he channeled it into his limbs and core. Focusing not on a paling, but instead on his own muscles, he felt the magic coiled and ready to burst as he readied himself. "NOW!" he yelled, as he suddenly burst across the clearing, slamming a pirate hard into the wall as he reloaded. Sidestepping the panicked turning slash of that pirate's companion, Stina cleaved him in half with his axe, gracefully spinning with the blow. Avoiding the thrust from a third pirate with this move, he continued the momentum of his previous hit into this new attacker, his axe shearing straight through the man's right arm, embedding itself in his spine. Instead of trying to free the axe, he left it for the moment as the man waivered and fell, the light leaving his eyes. Drawing his most easily accessible dagger, Stina shoved the table this pirate had been using for cover into a better position for him, as he analyzed the situation with the remaining pirates. He should have given the others enough of a distraction to deal with the remainder, but it was best to stay on his guard until he knew for sure. He also hoped one of the soldiers was carrying some ether on them. He could probably only do that once more, and he didnt know what else they might be dealing with.