Kiera was elated when she was starting out, even though seeing someone's gastrointestinal tract was a little bit weird. Not to mention after the whole disease thing, she could swear some of the crew members were shooting daggers at her, but even though half of the crew would kill her if they had the chance, Dessa's lessons were very informative and taught her some things she never learned about. "Now you try it. Transfer two heating spells into a memory spell and see what happens. It should make a little pop when activated." Dessa said. Kiera smirked to herself. This was no sweat. She drew two heating circles and then a memory circle. She dipped both hands into the heating circles, watching them glow and evaporate the suds. After that, she dipped her hands into the memory circle. She thought she would hear a pop, but nothing happened. Did she mess up? "Um Dessa, I did exactly what you did, but memory circle didn't evaporate the suds and make a pop noise. Did I do something wrong?"