Kri Craw left the Jedi Order after they all but wiped out her kind, the True Mandalorians. Since then she took work, she often rejected work because the work itself was in violation of her code of honor or the potential employer was a scum bag. She was even forced to kill one potential employer because he would not accept no and tried to force her. Her latest employer is the Queen of Naboo. The queen was considering joining the Seprartists. She didn't trust them because of their over reliance on droids, soulless, lifeless, nothings. The Republic she didn't see as much better because of their over reliance on the Jedi who were once great but had fallen by becoming overly political. She was in full Mandalorian armor with her Lightsabers hidden. She approached the Jedi. "I will escort you to the Queen. Hand over your Lightsabers, non-negotiable. No one sees the Queen armed and lives to tell it about it. When you leave you can have them back. Or you can turn around and return to the Jedi as failures." She stuck her left hand out. Her right hand was poised to ignite her own Lightsabers to destroy them.