[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KuIZYZy.gif[/img][/center] Ice had never gotten around to checking out the different facilities in the Hospital Wing, so he took his time to look through the different rooms on the first floor. Partly because he wanted to double check if there was anything of use to him, but mostly because his earlier resolve was slightly fading. The post had stationary, which would be good maybe good in the future, but even better was the intercom. Ice had completely forgotten about how Caora had used it before and would take it into consideration. It was certainly a great instrument to create the perfect alibi. The Physiology Ward looked like it would interest anyone that did anything athletic like maybe Felix, but Ice couldn’t find anything he could use it for. There were weights, that could be used as weapon, but some had too much rubber to be used in Calvin’s forge. Besides the crematorium, the offices were probably the most snoop worthy, but Ice would have to get back to that room at a later date, his brain was already exhausted and he didn’t need to stare at small text for a long period of time. Plus, in reality, Ice was terrible with computers. There wasn’t anything else to peruse, so Ice heading over to the crematorium. A sign was placed on the front labeled “KEEP OUT SICKIES” in a cutsie font that was far too out of place here, so much so that Ice shivered. The complete white of the room was getting to him, spilled blood here would be an ugly mess. Hardening his resolve, the Blood Donor came up to the door and tried the handle. It was locked, obviously. This was of course why Calvin had needed her E-Handbook, in order to get inside. Ice knew that he was going to lose any element of surprise and sighed, before his earlier mood struck him. How about having a little heart-to-heart with a robot’s metallic pithy core? Ice gave a sturdy knock with the back of his hand, leaning against the doorway. Ice's rhythmic knocking filled the quiet air with an echo, if only briefly. Ice hadn't noticed it until now, but it was deathly quiet. He could actually hear the sound of blood running through the vessels around his ears. It was a high pitched buzzing sound, and it made him uneasy. Most people would have stopped to wonder what they were doing off on their own. Lonely people made ideal victims after all. But Ice caught something in the corner of his eye. When the blood donor turned around, he could see Alexandria standing there with her spear, unmoving. If it weren't for her glowing blue eyes, he might of thought she was powered off. [color=orange]“So... Uh, Salutations.”[/color] Had Ice thought this through? No way. Was he going to keep going? Oak postal. He brought his right hand up to scratch at his suddenly, oh so itchy neck. [color=orange]“I was wondering if you’d be willing to open up the crematorium for me? Oh wait, scratch that. Can I see your room? I just wanted to check something, and um...”[/color] Again, the silence screamed out in between them, [color=orange]“Calvin says you really spruced up the place with your decorations.”[/color] The robot giggled and placed a hand on it's stomach. Alexandria was moving again. Perhaps not as smooth as a human, but more than she previously was. [b]“You're so adorable when you try to fib! I can see and hear and smell you from the hidden cameras.”[/b] The sister stopped herself. [b]“Waaah, Okay, maybe not smell. That's a blessing though. I don't think I'd enjoy booping people if I could smell them. Ugh!”[/b] she giggled again. [b]“But the point still stands, Ice cream. You either lied or my memory got wiped out, and we're too far along for an amnesia sub plot!”[/b] A chill ran through him. His flattery had gotten him nowhere except even more at the mercy of the robotic girl. Ice had thought that if he could sweet talk her with Calvin, maybe he could push past, and yet... It was all for not. [color=orange]“I see.”[/color] He wiped the worried look off his face while brushing his bangs out of his eyes. [color=orange]“I guess I’d better stop my tongue from spinning lies then, you’re too smart for them to work anyway.”[/color] He stepped off of the wall so that he wasn’t leaning anymore, [color=orange]“But my request still stands, I’d like to check out the room.”[/color] Ice would have rather crossed his arms, but he couldn’t really do that as he was now. [color=orange]“I’d love to take a snippet of your time to ask a few questions as well.”[/color] A bead of sweat slipped down the back of his neck. [b]“I'm sorry ice cream, but I'm not the kind of robot that's willing to let any girl into her room. I have standards! Besides, I know you can't make-”[/b] Her eyes started to cross. [b]“M-m-m-make-”[/b] Her eyes were rolling around so fast and in so many different directions, no human could possibly do it. [b]“M-m-mm-m-u-u-u-u-UPGRADES!”[/b] Her hand flew over her mouth. [b]“I'm sorry ice cream, that was a very indecent thing for your nurse say. But you were fooling around with Rika earlier, so I guess it's okay.”[/b] She twirled her spear before resting it on her shoulders. [b]“But I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.”[/b] Ice was going to have to ignore the name calling if he wanted to stay calm and collected. It seemed as though the robot gave everyone a nickname, and he was no different. When she started getting out of control, it was a good thing that Ice had his feet planted. Alexandria was far too unpredictable and that terrified him. It was funny, the way that she made his veins run [i]ice cold[/i] but not in the same way he came upon his standard nickname. All of a sudden, the Blood Donor remembered what had happened earlier and his face turned a deep maroon, [color=orange]“T-That- That was... I didn’t me-”[/color] He couldn’t help flashing back to that moment and his face went an even darker red. He tried to cover it, so that his enemy couldn’t see his overwhelming embarrassment. It was too bad he wouldn’t be able to peer inside the crematorium, maybe he would really have to ask Calvin, if he could do so without them getting into a shouting match. With a sigh, the man walked over to one of the seats in the waiting area and put held his head up with his arm against the headrest. [color=orange]“Well, not to put you in the hot seat or anything but... Both Monokuma and you sisters can see everything through hidden cameras at all times? Or rather, do you have to check in someplace?”[/color] [b]“Unless the night of carnage is going, we can more or less see everything.”[/b] She shrugged. [b]“Though we aren't supposed to interfere too much. We could have saved Mondatta, but then there wouldn't have been a case. Which goes against our rules. ”[/b] Alexandria pointed at Ice's hand. [b]“By the way, do you need help with that? It looks like a pretty big ouchy, and I am a nurse.”[/b] So they could see everything that happened, and they could probably see everything too. That meant no surprise attacks, which Ice pretty much knew already. And they couldn’t intervene during a murder, that was a strong point to remember too. When the robot motioned to his hand, he stiffened. That was quite the question. Should Ice go ahead and let them look at his hand, when they were the reason all of this had happened? Would it look weak to accept her help? But he didn’t want to offend her by not letting her do her job either... [color=orange]“Could you? I wouldn’t think you sisters would help unless it was life-threatening.”[/color] Obviously Ice wasn’t the type to ask for help directly, but he sure as hell needed it. Plus, if he could be in the fight against the next chassis, he was all for it. The robot folded her spear in half and tucked it inside her nurse's outfit. [b]“Alright, Let's take a look at that boo-boo.”[/b] Alexandria approached Ice and took his hand in her own. She felt pretty cold, but it wasn't any more unpleasant than leaving his hand like that. [b]“Yea, that's a pretty bad ouchie, I'll take care of it. ”[/b] Alexandria pulled out some sturdy tongue depressors and placed them along the back of Ice's fingers. She then started to wrap each finger individually in bandages. [b]“So why did you really want to go into my room huh?”[/b] Sharp pangs and tremors of pain ran through Ice’s hand as she did so. Not because she wasn’t gentle, only because of how damaged the hand had gotten. Ice watched her wordlessly, handing over the sling he had found as well so she could tie it. The Blood Donor didn’t have the three hands needed to fix it, let alone two working ones. Ice tried his best not to look shaken by the robot’s question. [color=orange]“I wanted to know the inner workings of the crematorium and how Calvin is able to use it as a forge. Plus...”[/color] It seemed he couldn’t hold himself back, [color=orange]“What does monokuma do with the cadavers after the trial and execution?”[/color] He sounded both desperate and calm, angry and pitiful, a weird range of emotion all bundled up into one glance. While Alexandria was always smiling, Ice could feel like his question [i]really[/i] made her day. [b]“Oh, you don't need to know that. It's all kinds of yucky!”[/b] The nurse had finished wrapping his fingers, and was now wrapping his entire hand. It was starting to look like a giant snowball. [b]“But I definitely wouldn't want any sickies in my room, save Calvy poo. But you don't have to worry about that. It's probably best if you don't think about it. Corpses are actually kinda gross.”[/b] Alexandria cut the bandage at his hand and started to wrap it around his arm and torso. She seemed to be making a cloth sling. Ice stared at the space in between him and the robot, trying to come to terms with this. He wanted- he needed closure. So how the [i]hell[/i] was he going to get it with that? All this made him want to curse at Monokuma or, better yet, Davis. That Quack needed to pay for not letting him kill the snake before he could give himself such a quick ending. [color=orange]“What... Do you like about him so much? His face?”[/color] Ice was being a little blunter, then he probably should’ve been, but he was trying to tear his mind away from last night. [b]“He's a metalworker! Who else would be friends with a bunch of robots?”[/b] she giggled. Ice couldn’t help but remember this morning when he had witnessed Aleecia in Nariko’s lap. [color=orange]“You mean you like his upgrades, right?”[/color] It didn’t seem like Calvin and Alexandria had anything like what Nariko and Aleecia had. Well, there was also the relationship only being one-sided at best. [b]“I like h-h-his?”[/b] Steam shot out of the robot's ears. [b]“H-he has okay looking upgrades, sure.”[/b] Alexandria stepped away from ice. [b]“For you to come out and say it like that though, I didn't know you were that, um, direct?”[/b] Alexandria turned around. [b]“A-anyway, I suppose he's a nice boy too. He doesn't look under a woman's clothes or ask them who's upgrades they like best. Hmph!”[/b] Alexandria started to quickly tiptoe away. Her outfit clung too tightly to her legs for her to walk normally. [b]“So indecent, so indecent!”[/b] she repeated like a mantra as she walked away from ice. That wasn’t exactly the reaction Ice was expecting to get. There had been something weird when she had brought it up in the first place, but was ‘upgrades’ some kind of euphemism or something? Whatever it was, Ice had lost his chance to ask more questions and he couldn’t help cursing under his breath. Operation honeypot hadn’t worked at all, and not even because he was awkward and not good at socializing. It was that walkman Ruella’s fault, all of it! He could have explained away the euphemism, but after the stunt Rika pulled... Ice sat there with his face in his hand for a while. How was he supposed to get information and pray tell how was he supposed to keep everyone safe?! This screw loose, metal pinata was head over popsicles for Calvin, and that could [i]not[/i] end well. Her happy-go-lucky personality made him feel like he was trying to maneuver a maze of spikes. The best thing to do would be to keep an eye on the metalworker. Nariko would hopefully do something to protect Allie and that Ruella would surely help. His headache blurred his vision for a second and he punched the armrest. Blimey, he needed to get one of those candies he’d gotten from Calvin. Grab a sweet and then go find the boy, that was the Blood Donor’s plan.