[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yiQtsra.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3ls0qsA.png[/img] [/center] [hr] Takeshi watched as Aname ignored them, his suspicions growing even more concrete by the second about this guy. He ignored him for a moment when Hatori then explained her idea. He thought about it for a moment, glancing at their new teammate and said, [color=bc8dbf] “We shouldn’t wait in one spot, but continually move around the point. We also shouldn’t wait too long before trying to control the point. But I agree we should pick off teams by using your planes to position ourselves to ambush them along the way. “ [/color] [color=bc8dbf] “Also If we set up with you and Motome behind us while Kisimoto and I take the brunt of the fighting, I think we will do well.” [/color] He added before looking to Motome. [color=bc8dbf] Especially if you could copy everything you see, which would be amazing and could help confuse our opponents enough for us to take them out. [/color] He noticed she was mostly sticking to herself, in her own head. He hoped she would be more engaged if he talked directly to her. When she would look at him, he would give her a confident smile. He then looked to Aname and asked, [color=bc8dbf]“So what is your quirk Kishimoto?” [/color]