Per Travis' suggestion, Nemo checked his manadial and confirmed that it was now usable. With a few finger presses and a minute later, Felix's signature portal materialized just above them, followed by Felix himself exiting the fabricated rift and gracefully approaching the group, "You're a sight for sore eyes!" Travis openly commented, feeling the stress he had gradually accrued during the entirety of this mission beginning to evaporate. After Felix constructed a new portal for them to evacuate through, Travis caught Nemo passing a remark in a reply to Felix that ultimately poked hinted amusement toward his unfortunate interaction with the now fully-deceased Samuel, "'Skirmish' wouldn't be my choice of words," he retorted, not even bothering to hold back his distain for the comment before he himself passed through the portal. Stepping back into Felix's mansion was certainly a warm and welcoming sensation due in part with its homely comforts and safety that it brought. Travis was to rushing upstairs and collapsing in his quarters for a well deserved respite. However duty reminded him that he still had Fantasia to be presented to Felix first, in addition with any debriefing that would follow suit as well. With a relaxing sigh, Travis stayed close by to the portal while awaiting for Zuri and Felix to come through. In the mean time, he summoned up a spell that could visually be described as a miniature sun and held it in his right hand while the Paragon rested in his left. The radiating orb illuminated a wave of localized heat and helped with drying his still damp clothes as seen with the evaporated steam seeping away from his coat and being absorbed into the spell.