Surprise overtook Roxas as Ophelia leaned up and kissed him. Before he could open his mouth, she started to talk to him saying not to talk like he was and that she chose to be with him for a reason. She also told him that the past is the past and that she would help him with Ifrit. He listened to everything thing she had to say and knew she was right. [color=0054a6]"I promise I'll try my best to move on. I'm sorry for being so low about all this. I was just worried. I'm glad that you chose to be with me. Thank you."[/color] He smiled back at her and took her hand in his. Not to long after, Jax walked in. Ophelia went over to hug her and Jax commented on how she snapped at Lenora. She then walked over to Roxas and told him not to worry about what her mother was saying and whatnot. After she left to go back to the others. Ophelia walked back up to him and said she loved him no matter what he decided. She grabbed his hand then started to head towards the dinning room again, when Roxas pulled her back to him and held her close for a second. [color=0054a6]"I decide to be with you and stand by you till the moment I die. However long that will be, I will always be yours. Nothing will ever keep me from you."[/color] He smiled and in that second all his worries disappeared from his head. He leaned down and Kissed Ophelia gently then let her take him back to the dinning room. She seemed happy about what he said. Once they returned, Roxas apologized for leaving with Ophelia quickly then started to eat. The table was very quiet and nothing really seemed to be going on. Everyone was deep in thought. He didn't care though. All that mattered was that he had Ophelia by his side no matter what. Nothing and no one was going to take him from her ever. He lokked over at Ophelia and smiled gently then took her hand again under the table.