[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/V5KXSar.jpg[/img][/center][hr] If you’re thinking, “Man I need a good roleplay that makes sense,” let me tell you...just let me tell you about a little something called This Right Here. So basically this RP is a place where ANYTHING GOES, sort of. I’ll warn you, and inform you now, though. If you’re a person who doesn’t deal well with cringe-humor, grammatical/spelling mistakes, and--well--frick-diddly-nonsense then this is not the place for you. In short, this will be a world where most things will snowball out of control. Where you can let loose the metaphorical dragon of your ridiculous and ludicrous mind. It’ll be somewhere that you can just relax, be casual, and enjoy a good meta-anti-supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-joke. It shall be a place for memes, dreams, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, and nonsense dreams. Every and any genre may show up. It’s a RP where many seemingly disparate things will be going on, where things may well be a clusterfuck. IF I HAD TO BE CONCISE. THE RP WILL BE SHITPOST HEAVEN. THE PEARL GATES OF THE SEWER STAR ARE OPEN AND YOU’VE GOT AN INVITATION. Unless that’s not your jam. In which case, maybe go find some peanut butter. I don’t know man. It’s whatever. As to the “lore” of this world, well ANYTHING GOES, at least initially. Eventually things will start having some kind of internal logic, but until then ALL STEAM AHEAD, LET LOOSE THE HOGS, FALL UPON THE FIRES OF HELL, PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR….OTHER OBSCURE SILLINESS. [hider=The Hub]Various links will go here. Who knows, maybe we'll use some kind of new fangled chat platform. Like, uh, Skype? [i]"THAT'S NOT NEW!, USE DISCORD!"[/i] What's that? D-discord? Um. Okaay. Whatever that is....[/hider] [hider=Lore Placeholder]Does this look like anything except a placeholder? I hope not.[/hider]