[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303645471333810177/321534524594847747/58a05e5162bfff3328cfcc7df52fcaca.png[/img][/center] [@Rune_Alchemist](ARL) Magnus could feel himself being swept in the enthusiasm that Kyle possessed. A dream that involved a flying machine...that was beyond ambitious! If he could pull it off, then maybe they could get to their jobs for the guild even faster...somehow. Maybe they'd have to build a giant ladder to fly off of. But still, if this became widespread, even someone like Magnus could tell that it'd completely revolutionize the whole world! Pumping his arms, the minotaur's eyes were absolutely sparkling. He'd help in any way that he could, and nodded his head vigorously at Kyle's statements, including the ones about the flowers. [color=FF5353][b]"Understood! I-I'll go to Boreal Port, and if they have any, then this'll be done really fast!"[/b][/color] he said, eyes shining with the innocent light of glee. To feel that he wasn't just helping, but actively making someone's dream come true was what Magnus had always thought being an adventurer was about...and now for the first time, he was capable of doing it. Just as he was about to start running to Boreal, Talia and the news of her going with them stopped him. Scratching the back of his head, Magnus self consciously held a hand over the hole in his tunic. [color=FF5353][b]"O-Oh, we were just...there was someone in trouble, so we had to fight to help them is all. Just a few hounds."[/b][/color] Magnus really hoped that the thought of beasts on the road wouldn't frighten the cyclops, hurriedly saying: [color=FF5353][b]"B-But Arletta's really strong, and I can fight too. We'll keep you safe no matter what shows up. Promise."[/b][/color] as a reassurance that they were indeed...competent at least. Magnus managed a small smile, though his cheeks were a bit red, now thinking about how loud he must have been in his excitement. Regardless, he ran a rough hand once more over the exposed spot on his tunic, looking at it glumly as he hung his head a bit. [color=FF5353][i]"...I can't lie to her about this."[/i][/color] Magnus thought, figuring that if he lied and said that he was washing the tunic or something to not show Rebecca the hole in it, it'd only make her more upset when she found it. Wincing at the thought of her being angry after making such a nice gift for him, Magnus sunk to a crouch and scratched his hair furiously. [color=FF5353][i]"F-Father, if Valhalla exists, d-d-does dying to a woman's scorn count as dying in battle?"[/i][/color] he asked to nobody in particular in his mind, getting the image of his father's dopey grin in his mind with the words: [b]"Hell No"[/b] in bright bold letters under it. It would be a confusing sight to see a Minotaur prostrating, but...that was the event that Arletta and Talia were graced with. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7EZFS7c.png[/img][/center] [@Eviledd1984], [@Rune_Alchemist](CHR) Maria would see that Nephele was still quite red in the face, as she was kind of now questioning her future as an actor. Or something. Regardless, the flustered dragon hurried over to her friend at hearing that she was attacked. She was trying to ignore the small whisperings of Christine, figuring that she must have had some hidden knack for acting to stir her up so much. Regardless, Maria came first. Taking a stand by Maria, Nephele gave her a reassuring pat on the back; She looked like she was about to burst from either frustration or remorse. [color=A9A9A9][b]"Please, believe her, sir. Maria isn't one to lie. Her honesty is the reason I stand here today."[/b][/color] Whether it be because of just being used to Christine's demeanor, or just from being unused to subtleties, Nephele failed to even pick up the idea that Christine had an idea as to what was going on. Her face was back to normal however, and she smiled softly at Maria. She wanted to reassure her that she had her back no matter what. After all, she was her first real friend int he world, even if it was initially for a job. Turning to Gerald, she spoke up once more. [color=A9A9A9][b]"Even if it wasn't necessarily a specter or a ghost, someone still must have attacked her."[/b][/color] she explained, fully trusting in Maria's testimony.