[quote=@Dezuel] [@KoL] Calling previous encounters "dumb fights" is a great way to lessen most peoples overall IC posts last few pages and does not bode well for future endevours. Re:Creators, an anime with alot of initial "dumb" fights. To think a Re:Creators inspired RP would have these "dumb" fights as you call them... impossible! How could this be?! What did you think it would have? Picnic carebears or ponies having a debate about astronomical observations? As for the literal source of problems? Worth of note. It was Tohka who first popped up near Alberich and didn't really answer what he asked, followed by Tenshi who also popped up there. So he is the source of the "problem"? If neither of those would have shown up with weapons at the ready or actually answered him things could have turned out differently, since he was already on the defensive due to the change of enviroment. On the second occurance. Remember it was Evangeline who shot down Menomaru's scouting moths. He had not taken any hostile action at this point. His character however demanded that he move out and beat them up after doing so. All that has been done has been done as an IC reaction to what else has happened. Also you should never ever let OOC matters decide on your IC behavior unless specifically asked by the GM. I said back then and I say again that I am fine with IC consequences such as death. That you feel discouraged by playing Tohka due to IC fighting? Then maybe you shouldn't have picked her in a RP where there would be such things found. Having characters constantly go AFK/voyeur without any text at all, even if they are not engaging in a fight is generally not good for RP. Speaking of which, is Andersen actually still considered part of the RP or has he dropped? [/quote] Was that really called for? I didn't say anything offensive nor am I the only one uninterested in more fights at the moment. So... why was it that I was the only one targeted at this reply when I went out of my way to not call anyone's names? I'll not get into an argument, anyway. You do you. I'm burned with petty squabbles.