[quote=@Dezuel] "It's that we know what will happen.[color=fff200] Menomaru[/color], and some others, have been... complicated and[color=fff200] the literal source of all troubles[/color] up to now. It was extremely hard to not [color=fff200]Menomaru[/color] killed by this point, with some hefty bits of [color=fff200]OOC behavior happening[/color] in order to achieve that." "So... why was it that I was the only one targeted at this reply when I went out of my way to not call anyone's names?" Perhaps it had to do with the character I was RP, was the only one mentioned by name? Twice. [/quote] You realize that that wasn't an attack, right? We were discussing Inuyasha and Menomaru's in that conversation, it's a matter of fact that his name would come up. Would it kill you to be sure that the mention was meant to be harmful, before issuing a reply as aggressive as the one you did earlier? Because nothing in the context of what I wrote warranted that. And, by the way, you won't draw me with this tactic of underlining disconnected bits of a statement to make it seen like they have some ulterior mean. This is bad rhetoric at its finest.