[h3][color=fff200]Vera Wynn[/color] 11:30 am[/h3] "Oh dear!" Vera yelped in dismay as an entire can of paint crashed to the floor, making an even bigger mess. She sometimes forgot that Professor Dawn had the tendency to slip into a world of her own when she was by herself. In spite of dropping her idea to prank the teacher, Vera had ended up startling her anyway. The suddenly invisible figure then spoke, telling her what she had already observed to have happened, though, Professor Dawn sounded like she did not mind at all, and she appeared again before turning off the music that had been playing in the background. Vera cautiously entered when the teacher invited her in, excessively conscious of the fresh paint that covered the floor and some of the furniture. She wondered how Professor Dawn could go about doing whatever she had to while covered in paint. Surely that would be somewhat uncomfortable? Vera walked over to one of the chairs, checking for any wet paint on it before taking a seat. It was apparent that the teacher had been working on a... personal project? She could not see what was on the canvas from where she was seated, but smiled to herself when she thought of an idea about how she could utilize her new powers. She could sense the light that was reflecting off of the canvas, and as she turned to face a blank wall, directed that light right into her own eyes, enabling her to see the image on the canvas against the wall. "A lovely work of art you've got there, Ma'am," she began, not factoring that the sight of her staring at a blank wall might be rather strange and confusing for someone else. [@Sailorsadie]