[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Evelina Lucas[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/62ad5e672cbe9347aa07a61221ddae3c/tumblr_ohov1rfChC1up42jgo6_540.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b]Ville au Camp Abandoned House -> Main House (Downstairs front porch outside Room 100)[/center][hr] Lady Lucas forced herself to focus on the task at hand. Several new comers had arrived already and more were on the way. She couldn't spend the day out in the abandoned house thinking on the past and being melancholy over a future that would never occur. ironic as it was, there was nothing the Emendators could do to fix their own time line. When they died there was nothing to stop it or fix it or later it. She knew, they tried. It was a miserable failure and one they promised they would never try to repeat. It could have ended another one of them or all of them and then what would happen? When there were no more Emendators left, who would fight the Destruere? Yes, the Paradoxes could but they were of limited numbers currently, untrained, and with no one to get them from point A to point B, to read the cards, to provide the needs, to... No, it wasn't enough. Playing her pipe between her lips and gripping it slightly with her teeth The Dice slipped her four fingers into each of her front pockets and let her thumbs rest along the seam. Admitting to herself that it was a rather beautiful day, granted it always was. The weather was one of the reasons they had chosen this day. Each of the Emendators had lived through harsh conditions brought on by nothing but the weather. Evelina could remember the scorching summers of Carthage, the wet and stormy days in Saxones, the intolerable bone chill of Norway. Each made you swear you would rather put up with one of the others. That was until you were there again. Having such a pleasant day with just enough sun to warm the hint of chill in the air and a light breeze was the closest Evelina could imagine to perfection of weather that could be obtained. Instead of taking the most direct route from where she had been to where she was going, which mean cutting through the Kitchen House and then going passed the Oak tree, she took a more sweeping path. She figured it would be best if she didn't walk directly passed Alicia as she welcomed someone at the Oak Tree. Around the back side of the garages to the main house and then around the outside of the house The Dice went before finally making her way to where she had intended to go. The front porch of the main house that looked out and down the drive way of dirt and gravel between the sweeping oak trees on either side. Resting herself down in a rocking chair she puffed on her pipe a bit. This was normally her way once they had new arrivals. Seat herself and wait for one of them to come to her. She didn't press herself on the new comers. That would be rude. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed145b]Alicia Gonzalez[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lksgqfVMW51qbxq6qo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Ville au Camp: Main House (room 208) -> Oak Tree[/center][hr] Alicia on the other hand didn't seem to care if she was rude or not. She was welcome most everyone with a [i]you're dead bitch.[/i] Manners obviously were not high on her things to worry about list. Now, one thing Alicia did hate though was being held up by poor planning. Thankfully The Dice and The Watch helped to keep pretty much everything running on a schedule of sorts around the place and it was rather well organized. The cards seemed less likely to plan anything but hey, she was fun at times. The seven of them had been getting along well enough, at least Alicia thought so. She wanted to talk to Evelina about the other two again but there as too much to do today and last time she brought it up she was [i]tomorrow[/i]. At first Alicia had thought that meant the next change over but then it dawned on her - tomorrow never really comes here. Smirking slightly at the word play, Alicia made her way down the stairs and left Alexandra to get settled in. Once she was out the backside of the house she took another look at the clipboard. [color=ed145b]"[sub]1[/sub]Que mierda..."[/color] she whispered under her breath before repeating herself a bit louder. A lot louder. [color=ed145b]"[sub]2[/sub]¡¿QUÉ MIERDA?![/color] Her eyes widened a bit as she made her way over to the Oak Tree. Slowly sitting down on the low hanging branch she kept reading what had appeared on the magical Etch-A-Sketch. Her jaw lay half slacked open, one hand gripping the clipboard the other one half way and frozen to a face palm. It was what her friends, back when she was alive, lovingly referred to as [i]Ted[/i] face. The exact look she got when she watched the movie Ted for the first time. She had kept that look of disbleif/shock/wtf for an entire hour. [color=ed145b]"[sub]3[/sub]¡QUE FOLLADO!"[/color] she finally managed to say to herself as she finished reading and the portal started to shift. Blinking a few times she stood up and pushed her hair back. Okay, this guy was from Justice, well not from Justice but he had lived there. He hadn't survived long. Granted she had died in Justice as well and she was one hell of bad ass back then but Justice dropped her like a cheap prom date in quick time. That was a day she still couldn't get out of her head; nor the images of the person that had finally ended her life. Those eyes still bore into right then. So icy, so blue, so cold. Shaking it off she looked down at their newest arrival and finally spoke. [color=ed145b]"I'm surprised your ass isn't waking up with a [i]splitting head[/i] ache,"[/color] she said before she burst out laughing. Alicia always did have a sick sense of humor. [hider=Translations] 1 - What the fuck? 2 - WHAT THE FUCK! 3 - THAT'S FUCKED! [/hider]