[@KoL] I was aware the effect would be more limited on demonic tech and expected a bigger limiter on angelic tech, but it was mainly just an ability that fit with the theme and punished people who fought him with stolen machina tech. The modular design thing would allow him to reform his hand into a sword, for example, and it only really helps against blunt force. Can make it easier to dodge something like a sword slice, but definitely not immunity. I was expecting that all cloaking would protect from the electro-sense unless it was specifically light-only, although demonic versions being absolute seems a little harsh to me. It also seems strange that undead would be invisible? Did you mean just incorporeal undead, or just being a skeleton? Cuz that seems strange to me. I'll add the weakness and the copying thing was intended more as a 'style' than an ability. If he fights someone who dual-wields swords than he's likely to make swords out of his plasma in order to copy them. He doesn't gain new abilities or anything like that, his versatile ability just allows him to play monkey-see-monkey-do with his opponents. While I understand the post being misleading and can agree with your criteria, do you mind terribly if I just declare this one non-canon and go with it? I find writing up posts to be rather time-consuming business, and would prefer to not have to rewrite the whole thing. I can understand adding it to the screening process, but the existing post should function for that purpose even if it doesn't necessarily make sense lore-wise. Thanks for the review, though ^-^