[quote=@thewizardguy] I was expecting that all cloaking would protect from the electro-sense unless it was specifically light-only, although demonic versions being absolute seems a little harsh to me. It also seems strange that undead would be invisible? Did you mean just incorporeal undead, or just being a skeleton? Cuz that seems strange to me. [/quote] To enforce the weakness to Demons. [quote] While I understand the post being misleading and can agree with your criteria, do you mind terribly if I just declare this one non-canon and go with it? I find writing up posts to be rather time-consuming business, and would prefer to not have to rewrite the whole thing. I can understand adding it to the screening process, but the existing post should function for that purpose even if it doesn't necessarily make sense lore-wise. [/quote] No, make a new post. Standards have to be met.