[center][color=00aeef][h3]Nathan Wagner: The Lost Prince[/h3][/color] [color=00aeef]Location:[/color] [url=http://newimages.yachtworld.com/resize/1/77/38/6207738_20170418025556754_1_XLARGE.jpg?f=/1/77/38/6207738_20170418025556754_1_XLARGE.jpg&w=1200&h=798&t=1498710554000g] The Jenny Marie [/url] & El Jefe Beach [color=00aeef]Interacting with:[/color] Issac (Talking to) [@Klaykid] Owen Lyon (mention) and Henry (mention)[@Universorum] [hr][img] https://media.giphy.com/media/a6B2hhZpx2jW8/giphy.gif [/img][hr][/center] [center]The Jenny Marie [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGyPuey-1Jw]Theme Song[/url][/center] [center][i]Strange flight, the body Held at a threshold And never quite freed Or quite revealed— One wing taut with wind, One wing concealed Until the wind grows calm And it shimmers in a shadow-world, The shape of a sail, yet softer— The drifting boat A bird half in air, Half in water.[/i][/center] There was something magical in being all by yourself out on the sea listening to the songs of the ocean around. The waves against the boat’s hull were like the bass of a drum while the sleek hull moved through like a hot knife through butter. The sea birds screamed along with the song while they danced and wheeled in the waves. There was something almost magical being all alone in a sail boat with just yourself and the sea. That was Nate loved this boat so much. It was, in his eyes, the very definition of freedom. Some people searched for release from the world at the bottom of a bottle, with drugs, or sex to dull the pain. Some people, like Nate’s brother, used all three and more to quiet the anger that they all felt. Nate, however, only needed this boat and being alone at the sea. This was as addicting to Nate as drugs were to some people. The smell of the sea spray was better than any single drug on the Earth. It made him feel more alive than he had felt in a very long time. Ever since his Grandmother had taken him out to the ocean for the first time, Nate had always loved the water. Sailing was a challenge between man and nature. If done properly, man could have dominion over the powerful element. That kind of control was something that Nate loved more than anything booze. Being out here gave him the largest amount of control in his life. Out here on the sea, his parents couldn’t try to control him with the plan. Out here, he didn’t have to deal with the specter of his brother’s addictions haunting him like a ghost. This boat was the closest thing he had to a castle against all of the pain around him. He still had to pretend that everything alright in his life. The gossips would have a field day if anyone found out how messed the Wagner’s really were. The family had an image that had been carefully cultivated and now Nate had to pick up his brother’s slack. After Lucas’ meltdown from all of the stress in Los Angeles, it was Nate’s job to keep that image going. He would have to go exactly where his parents wanted him to go and talk to whomever they approved of. There were very few places that Nate could truly be alone and the boat was the best one he could use. Everything bothering him just melted away when he was out on the sea. It was just Nate and the ocean around him. Nothing calmed him like tying knots or moving with the wind. The only issue was that he had no one to share this with and that was an issue that he was going to deal with later. For now, Nathan Wagner was happy being alone with just his thoughts. It felt like the whole world was watching his every step. His parents obsessed over his every friend and relationship. He had to be with the “right” crowd of people as fit his station as a Wagner. Someday the family company would be his and that carried its own stresses. Every move had to be planned out like a life sized version of chess. The whole world had an idea as to who Nathan Wagner was supposed to be while Nate had no idea who he was. Some people saw him as just a blonde jock and being full of himself. Others saw a spoiled rich boy who was born with three silver spoons in his mouth. No one ever seemed to take the time to meet the real Nate Wagner. Nate had been wearing his masks for so long, he didn’t even know who this real Nate Wagner would even be. Nate’s phone alarm started chirping and that broke the sea’s spell over him. The land was calling back to him and Nate had to heed that call. He could not stay out by himself for ever and he had an image to keep. As Nate brought the boat about towards the dock, he started singing to himself one of the sea shanties his Irish grandmother had taught him. Nate truly didn’t care that he was singing to himself. His grandmother had taught him that sea shanties had been a way for a crew to move faster while doing different tasks on the large merchant ships of the 17th century. Nate thought of them as a way to help when he was all alone on the boat. Though that he had never sung in front of anyone, Nate liked to think that he had a decent singer despite his lack of training. [center][i] [color=00aeef] “ What shall we do with a drunken sailor, What shall we do with a drunken sailor, What shall we do with a drunken sailor, Early in the morning? Way hay and up she rises Way hay and up she rises Way hay and up she rises Early in the morning Shave his belly with a rusty razor Shave his belly with a rusty razor Shave his belly with a rusty razor Early in the morning” [/color][/i][/center] The song was a little silly but it always made him feel better about the world around him. He could ignore the fact that Father wanted him at another one of his election fundraisers or ignore how Mother wanted him as a prop for another of her luncheons. An outwardly perfect son like Nate was a valuable commodity for any family wanting to gain political capital. He was a card too valuable not to use. If his father wanted to get elected to the State Legislature, he would have to play every card possible while down playing the more awful ones. That meant that his “perfect” son and wife would have to parade around the town with him. Nate’s mother was fine with this but Nate hated the very idea of hiding who they were. His parents had increased the distance between Lucas and the family. The drug addicted older son would ruin the image of the perfect American family. So they barely mentioned his existence at all which was the worst part of this whole thing. Nate was still trying to figure out a way to get his older brother back in his life despite how his parents acted around him. Nate pulled the yacht onto the [url=https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/07/1f/6a/49/hellman-ehrman-mansion.jpg]mansion’s dock[/url] with trained actions. He pulled up the dock throwing the mooring ropes to catch the dock as pulled up. With a deft hand, Nate secured his boat before hopping onto the worn dock walking towards the[url=http://prod.static9.net.au/_/media/Images/Finance/2012/11/12/12/00/1.jpg ]family mansion[/url]. He had to quickly change his clothes or he was going to be late for the party and that would never happen. Tonight all he had to focus on was the party. Nate was not the largest fan of parties but his school image required that he go to as many of them as possible. This party also was a reason to get out of the Mansion and any reason was a good reason in Nate’s book. His parents were off at some party of their own while Nate got ready for the night ahead. He had no idea what was going to happen to night but he was hoping it would be interesting tonight at least. Nate was not the best at his fashion sense but he liked to think he looked good in his [url=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/28700000/Alex-3-alex-pettyfer-28747529-500-500.png] clothes [/url]. It was simple but it showed off his physique which was what Nate was after right now. He had to look his best if he wanted to feel his best. [center]The Party [/center] Nate had his loves and one of them was [url=https://cdn.drivemag.net/media/default/0001/59/lamborghini-centenario-self-driving02-9695-default-large.jpeg]his car[/url]. His Grandfather had bought the self-driving Lamborghini for his grandson since one could not sail a sailboat down Interstate 405. Nate was not the best driver in the world, so the self-driving car was a godsend. It could do all the work for him while Nate just relaxed on the way to the party. That meant that he had to shift his way of acting back to how he acted at school. He was not the same happy go lucky guy that he was when he was sailing. He was friendly but he had to hide his true feelings for the sake of The Plan. Being a social outcast was not in his parent’s plans for their remaining son. So Nate went to parties like this for their sake more than his own. He loved to plan parties but the whole idea of getting wasted scared him more than he could say. He saw how the constant partying had destroyed his brother and he would not have that happen to him. He could still occasionally drink but that usually was limited to a single beer or something. He never got completely wrecked unless he got punched in the face and that happened with worryingly regularity. Nate’s car pulled up into one of the far parking spots in the beach house parking lot. He didn’t want his car to get blocked in if he needed to leave in a hurry. Anything was possible tonight and not everything was good. As Nate walked towards where Owen was standing like an angry statue guarding the way in. “[color=00aeef]Owen. Good to see you out here, my dude. [/color]” Nate said as he gave him a nod as he walked by. He knew that there was a set list of people who were allowed but of course he was on the list. There definitely were perks going to the 365 Combat Club and this was one of them. The other was to deal with his deep seated anger towards his life without getting thrown into jail or worse. It also got him into a few different parties by being affiliated with someone like Owen. The guy had taught Nate how to fight and he respected him for that. Nate moved through the people already there like shadow. Where some people cut through crowds like a bull in a china shop, Nate preferred to move with the crowd while also moving with purpose. He eventually got to the bar giving the bartender a nod. He didn’t really know who this guy was but he had seen Owen talking to him. So he imagined that the guy was connected to Owen’s group of friends. He nodded towards the bartender for a beer since it was the only thing he pretended to drink. The entire night he would be just holding the drink. As he wandered around the party clutching his beer, he noticed a rather tall young man ( Isaac (@Klaykid] )collide with a girl near the path. He seemed to be rather angry but something about him made Nate want to at least say hello. He walked up as he could hear the young man mumble something about it not going well. Nate had no idea what could have gone better but he chose to walk up towards him. “[color=00aeef] It is never easy to talk at one of these things. I remember at my first real party like this, I collided with the drinks table and got drenched in a hundred different liquids. Trust me, friend, it can go a lot worse than colliding with someone. “[/color] Nate said as he offered the man his already forgotten beer. He wasn’t going to drink it and it appeared that this guy could most certainly use a beer. [color=00aeef]”I am going to guess just by looking at you that you box. I mean I’ve been punched in the face by people your size. Pretty rare to see people around here who look like they know how to fight and I always like to meet fellow fighters. I’ve always wanted to learn how to box better”[/color] Nate said seemingly unaffected by the guy’s aura of menace. Nate was used to dealing with different kinds of people so he was not going to run away from this guy. It was clear that Nate was genuine while he talked to the other guy. “[color=00aeef]Oh, I’m Nate by the way.”[/color] He said as he still offered the completely full beer. Nate loved to talk to interesting people and this guy seemed interesting to say the least. There were some people who were quite basic but this guy seemed to be a bit different. He most certainly was not Nate’s type but that didn’t mean he couldn’t talk to him. Nate liked to know many different people as possible.