[@Lord Zee] So, I may have decided to go full lovecraft with this character a bit Do tell if there are problems~ [hider=The Faceless] [center] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8b/19/3a/8b193a011521ac8531f6819af73fc863.jpg [/img] [b]Name:[/b] Cyl'Nyarlith [b]Also known as:[/b] The Faceless Lady, Lord of Secrets, First of the Magi [b]Age:[/b] [color=bc8dbf]"Age? You want to know the age of an immortal? Ahaha, that's quite funny! Alright, let's see...lets seeee...answer a question from me first, then. Do you know how many pints of blood you can take from a human before they die? I seem to have forgot the answer..."[/color] [b]God Aspect:[/b] 'Occultism/Magic' - [i]To put simply, Cyl was the first to teach the humans how to harness arcane powers. She gave them the ability to wield the power of gods themselves because of sheer curiosity about what they'd do with it. Needless to say, this made him not so popular among his brethren.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Eccentric, unhinged, and a little on the playful side. Really...not all there in the head. Talks to herself, makes odd comments, and otherwise is just generally 'crazy' as some might say. Genius and insanity are two sides of the same coin, as they say, and Cyl is a fairly good example of this. If there's one thing Cyl loves doing, it's learning, and she is quite in tune with things that humans and even gods, may not want to discover. She holds no hatred for death. If anything, she finds his actions amusing, if irritating and infuriating. Being one of the youngest gods in existence, she is often the eternal child and baby of the group and its easy to see why from the way she acts at times. He doesn't seem to understand consequences, or the fact that his experiments can bring pain to others. Or if he does, he doesn't care. [b]Parents:[/b] Solaria and Lunus [b]Sexuality:[/b] Anything is fine, but isn't too interested in it unless for research purposes. [b]Form on Earth:[/b] 'Cliodna' As the name she's taken goes by, retains some of her otherworldly appearance, though still maintains a mostly human visage. Extremely pale skin, with short but black hair, along with bright purple eyes hint at some otherworldly heritage. For the most part he wears clean and well kept suits and dresses, depending on how she's feeling for the day. He's somewhat androgynous in appearance, and could pass for either a male or female, depending on what they decide to wear. [b]True Form:[/b] [hider=True Form][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/007/545/561/large/exellero-copy.jpg?1506889582[/img][/hider] Vaguely human, but at the same time not. At a distance, it could be mistake for a large human dressed in a black robe. Upon closer inspection though, one would very well be able to tell that this this is as far from human as human can be. One arm is pale white with crystalline structures growing on the shoulder, and the other pitch black. However, most unsettling, is its complete like of a face. Where a head should be, is nothing more than a gaping hole. It is less impressive than some of her brethren, but is the most psychologically unsettling out of all of them. She has a tendency to wear masks over her face in this form with various expressions. Out of all her siblings, theirs is the one likely to cause the most Sanity stat drop. Odd shifts can be seen moving beneath the fabric, as if there was something moving inside of there. She has a few extra tentacly appendages at her disposal that all can be used in spell casting. [b]Powers:[/b] [b][i]Divine Magecraft[/i][/b]: Being the living embodiment of magic, means that Cyl is able to perform many feats similar to those of even other gods, albeit to a far lesser extent. For example, she could, through gestures and proper preparation she could summon a lightning bolt to injure someone. However, in the face of a god that could control said lightning or similar nature the spell would fall flat. This lends her to some fair bit of versatility, though it makes her not exactly the fastest. Even so, for humans, this would be devastating. As well, Magecraft itself has a number of different methods for use. Runes, Incantations, potion crafting, rituals...sacrifice. All can achieve the same thing, it just depends on how you want to go about it. The only rule of thumb, is that one must have the innate ability to do so, and have an item to act as a focus most of the time. [i][b]Divine Insight:[/b][/i]: A more passive ability that allows her to 'understand' things. Simply put, it allows her to have a preternatural understanding of how things work and see the 'true' nature of things and realize when things aren't quite so what they seem. Such as the ability to see through illusions and see the world and things for how it truly is, and be privy to certain secrets that other gods don't want getting out. As well, it does wonder for discovery and research. He can grant a lesser form of this to humans, with various results. Humans blessed with this have a small bulwark against mental interference themselves. [b][i]Incomprehensible Mind:[/i][/b] To put simply, trying to go through Cyl's mind is like trying to wade through a swamp of muck. A more passive ability formed by their own mild psychosis. It makes mental persuasion abilities have much less of an effect on her. Charm, intimidation, and other such things will find themselves falling a little lackluster. They won't fail completely, but it makes it more difficult for them to work. As well, anyone that attempts to enter their mind through dreams or mind control, might find themselves regretting it. [b]Weapon:[/b] [hider=Vulgtlagln][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/11/af/f2/11aff298d964ce05ce06a6aa1e9b9f2a.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]Vulgtlagln[/i] - A rather macabre staff, seemingly formed from the bones of various animals, most notably a serpent of some sort. It's tied together to its wooden base with frayed ancient cloth and inscribed with various words of power. Compared to the other gods artifacts, its certainly not one that's too pleasant too look at. Perhaps, a reflection of Cyl's own true nature. The staff itself has the ability to channel the eldritch energies that control the magical elements. With it, all one needs to do is simply have an intent and make the gesture, and the staff will do the rest of the spell casting. At times, they gave this staff to humans for giggles to see what they'd do with it. Apparently it's name means 'Prayer to' in some language. ...what exactly does a god pray too? [b]History:[/b] [hider=pre-earth] Born as one of Solaria and Lunus' last children, Cyl always had a trouble maker streak in them, and more or less had a tendency to be shunned by the rest of the gods, if only for their own odd nature and the fact they couldn't keep their nose out of their brothers and sisters business. Not that they didn't ultimately get along with their siblings, no. If anything, Cyl would have preferred getting along better with them...but their own tendencies would have likely been looked down upon by a number of them. It lent them to an affinity for more darker alignments, though he himself did not consider themselves evil or dark. Ultimately, he spent most of her time growing up alone. Not that they minded. No no, quite the opposite. It left them time for their...experiments. When Cyl became aware of the humans, all he saw was an endless resource of playthings for various methods and started spending more time on earth than in heaven. At some points, he'd appear benevolent. Simply interested in the outcome of what would happen. Sometimes, humans would seek him out to learn a secret or two. For a time, he simply roamed the earth and watched humans. Researching. detailing...experimenting. And in time, they became known as both 'The Faceless Lady' and 'Lord of Secrets' due to at the time, their own incomprehensible nature to the humans since she had no care for if humans went insane by seeing her or not, earning them a reputation for a mysterious spirit that could both help or hinder someone depending on their mood. It all went fairly well, but as always, things usually got boring. Humans ultimately began boring them, so she decided to throw oil into the fire. He taught them how to properly utilize magic, without care for their siblings reactions to it. Magic had always been a thing, but they had been the first to teach humans how to properly utilize it in an organized and orderly fashion. Magecraft, runes, incantations, rituals, sacrificial rites. He taught the humans how to speak to the heavens and make the world listen to their commands. Needless to say, this had the effect of both exacerbating the chaos on earth, as well as easing the chaos at times. Just like Cyl liked it. Thus, he earned the title 'First of the Magi' and remained so for a very, very, long time deciding to rule from his throne on earth that her disciples built for them. During this time, the 'Cylnath' as they decided to call themselves, created monstrosities with their experiments, as well as performed great acts of charity at times. During this time, Cyl remained whimsically passive only showing themselves occasionally to the cult, letting them handle its curiosity into magical research for her. During this time, Cyl had a few of demi-god children themselves, simply for curiosities sake. When death came knocking and locked up heaven, at first Cyl reacted with a laugh. [i]How absurd[/i] [/hider] [b]History:[/b] [hider=Post earth] First, Cyl found odd joy in losing their powers, though being stuck to one form irritated them to no end. While she wasn't a shapeshifter, magic could be use to alter ones form if one was skilled enough. Still, nothing to be too upset about. It thought this to be a temporary arrangement that would easily be rectified later. But days turned into months, months into years, and years into decades. Being cut off from their insight and most of their powers, and magic having mostly left the earth, made their own cult and followers disperse, disillusioned with their God, once again, leaving Cyl alone with his thoughts and experiments. Soon, the cult faded into obscurity and not even history remembered them. For a time, 'depression' was the word one could be used to describe Cyl. Still, having nothing better to do Cyl simply began doing what they had done in years before, and watched humans from a distance and kept a record of their activities. In a sense, he became a record keeper of historical events that he saw and took note of. While he could never know everything now that his godly powers had been cut off, she could still make an effort. During the turn of the middle ages, she started turning from magic and to that of science, and quickly took a liking to it. It was similar to magic wasn't it? It wasn't in her normal purview of abilities, but one could do similar things with science as they could with Magic if they were clever. So over the years, they disguised themselves both as doctors, philosophers, and even at one point they were appointed regent of a kingdom. In time, all these new experiences began to draw Cyl out of their depression and began to think positively of their situation. Why, they had so much more opportunity to learn and experiment like this! Yes yes, so intriguing. So over the years, they began turning to science experiments and today, at this moment, they still disguise themselves as an incredibly wealthy, and famous doctor who has made several strides in the medical fields spent from vast years studying the human body. Now that their powers are returning...heh. Oh deeeeath~ Lets have a chat, shall we? [/hider] [b]Motive:[/b] First: find death and have a nice little chat. Secondly: reintroduce magic into this science based world. Oh how such a lovely show will be shown. Thirdly: rebuild the Scholars. Fourth: ??? Fifth: Profit. [b]Optional Content[/b] [b]Opinions:[/b] (Ill update this bit later, wanted to go ahead and get the rest of the CS out and stuff) [/center] [/hider]