Jamin was feeling slightly amazed, but he had to keep his mouth shut for fear of looking like a complete drooling idiot. But not to worry, because Fireball did it for him. The little monkey Pokemon was literally looking around the classroom with the expression that said, 'Oh, don't mind me. I'm either off my face on some illicit substance or unfortunately there's nothing between my ears.' Goddamn the fact that Fireball and Jamin were so alike. The first lesson was nothing overly special, he'd heard it before on his travels chatting to other trainers. However, his classmates were [i]hilarious[/i]. One dark-haired, moody looking kinda guy had used his Houndoom to shove this poor kid off his seat. The moody looking guy had looked quietly triumphant at pushing the dude, which highly amused Jamin. He had to try hard not to laugh. Then some girl had jumped in, proclaiming that she was awesome and all the rest of it. Jamin quite liked the look of her, she also looked hilarious. And then the lesson had ended, with the most FREAKING AWESOME piece of homework ever: battle another trainer. He wanted to go up and ask Ritzy, but she was already taken with someone else. So he decided to wander around a bit, and aquaint himself with the school.