Jax almost spit out her wine when she heard Morthos' ghost whisper. [i]Yay...can't wait to have that conversation.[/i] She spoke up in response to Morthos' comment on the food, "[color=39b54a]Yeah...Mom has always been a good cook. Hence, why I couldn't stop eating.[/color]" Her mother gave a small smile but was still very upset. Ophelia and Morthos came back a few moments later and the mood was sour. Everyone was awkwardly eating apart from Ophelia and Mom who each had their glasses of fresh blood. Jax reached up to rub the bandages on half her face before she spoke up breaking the silence, "[color=39b54a]Well that was a lot. Perhaps we should go.[/color]" Edgar stood up, "[color=00746b]No. I don't want you both to leave after a fight and then we don't get to see you again for a while. Right, Lenora?[/color]" Lenora looked at him for a few minutes before giving a composed nod, "[color=f49ac2]Right. It has been too long already.[/color]" Jax looked at them then at Ophelia, it was up to her if she wanted to stay or leave. After a slight nod, Jax spoke evenly, "[color=39b54a]Fine. For the sake of saving this night. I will allow Dad to tell the story of...prom night.[/color]" Edgar almost spits out his food, as Lenora shut her eyes placing her hands on her forehead to hide a slight giggle. She looked at Ophelia, knowing that she would understand this sacrifice of character she was giving away. Edgar tried to speak with a smile, "[color=00746b]Are you sure...honey.[/color]" Jax picked up the wine bottle and filled her cup, "[color=39b54a]Yes. I am ready...go ahead.[/color]" Edgar nodded with glee, "[color=00746b]Alright. So the night began as per usual. Ophelia and Jax looked gorgeous in their dresses. In fact I think we have a picture.[/color]" He stood up and went to the living room, coming back with a framed photo of Jax in this long pink sparkly dress with braces and Ophelia in a shimmering blue dress that framed her small figure gorgeously. He handed it around before continuing, "[color=00746b]Now..Ophelia didn't have a date for the prom but Jax did. Eric Gleeson, head of the chess team.[/color]" Jax blinked, "[color=39b54a]Also...the A/V club.[/color]" Edgar nodded, "[color=00746b]Now we did the whole she-bang, got the limo..invited some of Jax's and Ophelia's friends over for pictures then let them go.[/color]" Jax sipped her wine slowly, as her dad continued,"[color=00746b]Four hours later we get a call, to come to the school immediately and pick up our children. So we get there and Ophelia and Jax are sitting in front of the principal's office looking insane. Ophelia's blue dress was singed all the way up the side and the front parts of her hair were dyed vibrant green, while Jax had lost her dress completely and was wearing a Football Jersey with half of her hair shaved off...hahaha...including...hahaha...including...an eyebrow...gone.[/color]" Jax nodded solemnly as her dad burst into tears of laughter, "[color=00746b]Lenora's face...She was mortified! Anyway's we find out later what happened. So apparently as we found out when we got home, that as soon as they got to the prom Mr. Gleeson and a few of his A/V buddies snuck in what they thought was some weed. Jax and Ophelia partook...like FOOLS...and came to realize what they smoked was not weed but a full on Amarythian Witch Hazel..[/color]" Jax sunk into her chair as he continued, knowing full well that she was the one who encouraged Ophelia to try it out with her. Edgar spoke evenly, "[color=00746b]So after partaking in this ILLEGAL bad behavior the A/V club and the girls thought it would be a super idea to break into the chemistry and potion's lab to have with the boys. From what I remember Jax and Gleeson had an argument on who could create a Cambodian invisibility potion quicker. Anyways they had such a contest and Jax used three different ingredients that she needed and the damn thing exploded. SHE ALSO USED HER SISTER AS A HUMAN SHIELD hence Ophelia's hair and dress.[/color]" Jax gave Ophelia a smile and whispered a silent, "[color=39b54a]Sorry...[/color]" Edgar continued,"[color=00746b]So with Ophelia's dress a mess Jax decided that they needed to get her a new one. So they along with Gleeson, Rav Jones, Reggie Axelton, and Mandy Pinkers stole Principal Alquin's cruiser and drove without a license through the school's football field towards the mall. The prom crew headed inside to a dress store where the boys and the three girls thought it would be fun to have a dare off. A DARE OFF! During which Mandy got a tattoo that said, "AMERICAN BADASS," Ophelia stole three pairs of male underpants from three seperate mannequins, from three seperate stores, and Jax got half of her hair shaved off! Gleeson ended up with nipple piercings, Rav ended up mooning the 'All American Girl's Doll Shop' and Reggie drank 49 litre's of nacho cheese. Now you would think that the night would end there but no...[/color]" He continued barely containing his laughter, "[color=00746b]NO...OUR JAX HERE...HAD ONE MORE DARE...[/color]" Jax looked at Morthos pursing her lips, "[color=39b54a]I...am not proud of this moment..[/color]" "[color=00746b]Well, why not Jax??? You seemed very proud of yourself when you ran naked through the school in a football helmet yelling, 'SUCK MY BALLS! PRINCIPAL ALQUIN![/color]'" Suddenly Lenora burst into fits of laughter as did Edgar. Jax finished the wine, before looking over at Ophelia with a smile, "[color=39b54a]It was one hell of a night though...sister.[/color]" She lifted her glass towards her sister waiting for a clink.