The sharp whip and hiss of the tech-heretic's overpowered weapon caused a silence to fall upon the entire building, as the blundering greenskin in the other room slowly became aware that one of their warbosses's had just become one head smaller. ... and was currently very dead. "DA BOZZ IS DEAD!" "I'Z DA BOSS!" "'UMIEZ!" "SMASH 'DEM!" "WAAAGH!" The Ork's response was nothing short of predictable, as a the entire Horde within the main chamber turned around and surged towards the narrow entrance leading to the party. "I will slow them down." Adrianne said before she stepped out, pointing her staff towards the ground at the entrance that the green tide was falling through! With mystic words that seemed to echo unnaturally across the chamber, the ground where the greenskin passed through became distorted; the physical laws becoming confused as gravity began to push and tug in random, constantly shifting directions; as if the xenos had suddenly became caught up in a set of invisible waves pounding and disorienting them from every direction! Green brutes would slam onto the ground, into each other or fall ten feet up into the air before slamming down! To greenskin resilience, it was hardly major damage beyond a rough ride; except for the occasional Ork who slammed into the spiky bits of another, but the resulting invisible waves caused the Orcs to become bogged down and clumped together in the narrow exit, creating a bottle neck. "That was eas,-" "FWHOOM" "WHAAAAAAAAA!" Adrianne was about to comment with a smirk behind her skeletal mask as she stepped aside and back behind cover, just as the roaring sound of a rocket could be heard as an Ork stormboy just flew over the mess and into their room; the suicidal greenskin strapped to a live rocket! "Oh, uhhh... incoming from above!"