[center][h1]Naoko Suzuki[/h1][/center] [@MikkishTheLeprechaun][@Camey] "[b]Well, anything you experience can be explained with science, even this, but I won't go into detail about that right now. I appreciate the sir, by the way.[/b]" Naoko nodded sullenly, still averting his gaze from the girl he had seen earlier. He followed the blonde man and this Richard off of the helicopter. He had seen many buildings like this in Tokyo, but he still paired this with no pests and it gave him a sense of wonder. "No Pests..." A faint smile graced his lips. "Uh, Sir? I mean, Ri-chard?" He radiated anticipation. "Where are our dorms? When do we start classes? Will we have time to relax?" As he kept talking, he subconsciously started reverting to Japanese. "どんな魔法?私たちの魔法は私たちの専門分野に特有のものでしょうか?寮は分かれていますか?私たちはルームメイトを持っていますか?" His eyes were wide, and he was talking fast. However, he eventually realized his blunder, and stopped mid sentence, looking down. He was ashamed.