[hider=Sarriah Morn] [b]Full Name:[/b] Sarriah Morn [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Hellion [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Loyalty:[/b] Erubesco, Knight [b]Gift: Rewind[/b] At will, Sarriah is able to step backwards in her own timestream. This affects only her, and nobody else. She moves to where she was at the selected point, and any effects that were applied in the meantime are undone. It functions like an 'undo' button. She's capable of going back up to 10 seconds at a time, effectively negating any damage that was dealt to her in the meantime. However she keeps her memories. When she goes back anything she's holding or wearing goes back as well, even if going back removes the object from her hands. If she was holding a thing and isn't anymore, she'll be holding it again if she goes back. This does not apply to living things, as her power cannot affect living things other than herself. The downside of this power is that it comes with a cooldown. If she moves back 10 seconds, the cooldown is also 10 seconds. This prevents her from simply rewinding infinitely by stacking multiple uses. The power can also be used in reverse. That is to say, she can jump FORWARDS in time up to 10 seconds. This causes her to freeze in place, frozen in time, until the chosen time. She will move along with a chosen frame of reference (the Earth, usually) but other than that will be completely unaffected by outside forces. It's impossible to harm or affect her until the effect ends. This power has a cooldown, much like her ability to rewind does. [b]Description:[/b] Sarriah is a tall and athletic woman with dark brown skin and long black hair. She carries herself like she owns the place no matter where she is, and her brownish-blue eyes have an intensity to them that often catches people by surprise. While none would describe her as ugly her build is lean and muscular instead of conventionally attractive, and there is a long scar across her left cheek down to her chin. Considering her line of work, it's only because of her ability that that's her only scar. [b]Personality:[/b] For years now, Sarriah has been hunting down the enemies of Erebesco. She does it out of a combination of patriotism and channelled anger, a fury that's taken hold of her ever since the death of her parents. While on the surface she may seem calm yet determined, inside she's angry with a kind of cold fury that's been burning up her insides for years now. She tells herself that she does her job to defend innocent lives, to kill the people that need killing. But secretly, in some back corner of her mind, she knows she enjoys it. Enjoys hunting people down and executing them, enforcing her power, being in control. It's only because she suppresses that part of her that she can maintain her guise of civility and even occasionally kindness, although it leaks into her attitude as a sort of strange callousness. [b]Skills[/b]: Highly trained in a variety of weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Sneaky, scary, and can pick a lock. She's had to track down a couple of people and has some decent investigative skills, but doesn't always know how to handle people. Knows a thing or two about surviving in the wilds, but far from a master. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] As long as she's in control, Sarriah is a scary opponent to face indeed. However if you manage to make her lose her temper she loses that control, and becomes far more likely to slip up. [b]Brief History:[/b] Not so long ago, there existed a group of raiders in the Ashlands who frequently raided the outer suburbs of Erubescos. They used stolen military technology, a lot of them were Erubescan deserters. Trained professionals, with professional gear. They killed and maimed as they pleased, taking whatever they wanted, and then disappeared back into the Ashlands where nobody could track them. On one of their many raids they murdered an unimportant family, all except for the daughter. Killed them in front of her, but left her alive. Maybe they thought she was dead by the end of it. Probably would have been, had the medical team not found her. A small mistake on their part. Nowadays, they're all dead. Everyone associated with the group was wiped out in a series of government raids. One of the knights assigned to the situation was a woman, who had grown up all alone. It was the government that had sought out and destroyed the Raiders, broken up their supply lines and detaining their civilian contacts. But it was the girl who'd killed them. A small mistake like that came back in a big way. Of course, none of them could have possibly known it. The girl hadn't gloated, hadn't given them a moment's reprieve to tell them about their folly. She'd been quiet the entire time. By the end of it, you might think the girl would be done. An oath fulfilled, parents avenged, villains slain. Unfortunately, revenge doesn't quite work like that, as she soon found out. All this time she'd just been feeding a part of herself she'd rather not acknowledge, and by the end of it the beast inside her was too big to slay. So she put it to work. Kept moving, allowing external motivation to keep her in the moment. And only very occasionally, did she allow herself to enjoy the little things. [b]Other:[/b] Not sure how to introduce her, but I had the idea in my head. Oh well. [/hider]