Richard looked at the Japanese kid for a second, considering he shouldn't be surprised to have someone so heavily ESL since Maniacles now technically owned most of the world these days. While scraping the back of his mind for what Japanese he knew, his expression remained unmoved. [@Default] "Uh...あなたの質問..." Richard awkwardly said "すぐに回答しました" Many high ranking member of Maniacles knew a few languages fluidly. Richard was different, more of a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none. He knew bits and pieces of many languages, including Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Afghan and obviously Japanese to name a few. He also knew a fair bit of Latin, for whatever good that did. "Anyways." Richard said, clearing his throat "Lets make our way to the school, and maybe see some interesting stuff on the way." [@Camey] "Well here we go. On our way to Hogwarts." Mikkish said with a mischievous smirk "Did you remember your magic wand?"