Jacob smirked and only watched as Rei panicked. Though he was mentally preparing for a torrent of verbal assault or something along those lines. As clearly her eyes were blaming him at first. Luckily that quickly changed, and moment later she disappeared into the bathroom. "Well, she's awake at least..." He muttered to himself, still smirking in amusement. After a few seconds the man decided he should get ready too. So he got up and started dressing himself. When Rei came out again she was fully dressed. She once again apologized and quickly went to the door, apparently wanting to forget what had just happened as soon as possible. But he wasn't about to let her go with just that. "You sure you don't want to cuddle a little longer? What was it again that you muttered in your sleep...I smell of oil and that's relaxing, and I'm cute so that makes things hard?" He questioningly raised a brow at her as if to ask 'what was up with that, hm?' Of course he wasn't sure she was talking about him, but he could still tease her a little bit. Then as if he hadn't even asked the question he got up from the bed and headed for the door as well. He wanted his cup of coffee, or he wouldn't be properly awake for another hour at least.