Terri watched the Bassist from a far, ignoring the people bumping and jostling her. Seeing ther Bassist leave his fellow players caught her attention. Was this the one? If a mythical was in the band, then he would most likely strike out on his own to hunt. The way he moved through the crowd and how he eyed the girl next to him gave Terri a tickle down her spine. Yes, she was sure that this was the one they were after. "Over there." She tilted her head in the direction of the bassist and indicated her comrade to follow. As she approached she thought of how to proceed. She hadn't been on many mission yet, and this was the first where she had to keep cover in front of humans. She donned her bubbly persona as they reached him, trying hard to remember this century's slang. "Yo, wazzup?" She smiled sweetly at the bassist. "Having a goodnight? My friend and I would like to talk to you, that cool?" She paused then added with slow intent "You know, away from this cacophony?" It was perhaps too direct but she didn't see the point in wasting time.