[@Rafiel_purewing] The rusted animatronic black eyes shot open before lenses fell over them showing blue and white. It shuddered as it came on old metal creaking and groaning as it turned on. One hand closed around an old wireless microphone as it stopped shuddering. It started to stand boxes and trash falling off joints and springs clicked back into place as it stood. "[color=Brown]H[sub]h[/sub] [sup]H[/sup]hi kids w[sup]W[/sup]Welcome to [sub]Fr[/sub][sup]fR[/sup]Freddy fazzbear's P[sub]p[/sub]pizza![/color]" the bear said jaw squeaking as it spoke. It's eyes locked on Gaster "[color=Brown]sti[sup]sti[/sup]stick around f[sub]f[/sub]for a [/color][color=Black]Bite[/color]"