Aren't most of Tony's inventions based on tech that's effectively impossible to replicate? Especially when a good number of them violate the laws of physics pretty blatantly? I understand that there's the rules about any fundamental resources for the character to exist/operate being recreated on Earth, but if the laws of physics are being rewritten to accommodate more than what Stark can potentially make for himself, the world be a lot more screwed than anything any super powered character can bring to the table. Sincerely, 90% of everything on Iron Man is impossible to do IRL without some serious consequences to the world at large. This is kind of why the Japanese government didn't try to copy the Gigas Machina, in my view. It works on anime/HQ logic, even if it exists in the real world, it doesn't mean that it can be made compatible with reality, that was the main sub-plot of Re:Creators, after all. This is just my opinion, though but I think he'll realize very fast that all his knowledge is based on tech wizardry, instead of actual engineering skills and nothing of that can apply to a world where the laws of physics don't bend to accommodate for super humans.