[@Lord Zee] Name: Huseror Also known as: Surtr, The Dark one, Ragnarok incarnate, The God of Evil, the Devil Age: [i][color=92278f]"I am one and eternal, My age is nameless, but now I make my move."[/color][/i] God Aspect: Evil and Darkness Personality: Evil, cruel, destructive. Hate is him, and he it. Parents: [color=92278f][i]"I have no parents. I have exsisted as long as the the creators, Lunus and Solaria. They are my opposites."[/i][/color] Sexuality: striaght male Form on Earth: [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSdrq6V_FLeQz8sKNcis_-m_e2bM51gZFXhZ-h-awSmOs2CbfygGw[/img] True Form: [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/64713d3a-db7f-45d8-9c69-6916653d4bd0.jpg[/img] Powers: [i]Influence[/i] - he can influence any creature with dark thoughts, to were he can cause evil acts to happen. With organisms weak willed like humans, he can turn them evil without much fight, but anything stronger is more resistant. [i]Warp powers[/i] - he can control inanimate objects with energy at a distance, but the energy can also empower his attacks to taint his targets. [i]Corrupting stare[/i] - his stare can pierce the soul it's said, but it's really the soul he wants. This stare weakens the will of a being, but only those weaker than the force applied. Weapon: [i]The of the Devil[/i] His eye is his weapon, for if he does not have it, he can not do much more than influence beings and low depth perception. This also restrains him from using his real form. History: [i][color=92278f]No one tells my story, for no one knows my story. I and the other 2 gods of the beginning were friendly at first, for we existed in what seemed to me a grand existence. However, due to rules we had, that existence can not be released to [u]their[/u] creations. When they made the realms, they invited me to help. I was disgusted and astounded by what they did, so they left me in the void, the warp, the prison of gods. I, however, had different ideas. If they were to abandon me for their creation, I would ruin their creation. I twisted their creations from a distance, but every time they simply were just as happy. I was fed up with simply making evil run rampant that I entered the world they created. It was difficult, for I had to leave an anchor in the warp. This weakened me to the strength of their pitiful brats. They were asleep when I entered, so I thought it would be easy. I was wrong. One of their eldest, Hiraga, thinking me a demon, surprised me and removed my eye, the very source of me. She taunted me after I ranted for a moment, and threw my eye deep into the center of the creation. Then she left, me bleeding my ooze in a pitiful form known as man. I wandered, till Desious locked Heaven. I became weaker, but to my mind, I saw this as an opportunity. My plan was set.[/color][/i] History: [color=92278f][i]When I realized humans organized themselves with bureaucracy, I felt joy, though cruel, for the first time in eons. With this, I could amount power using the humans. This was exactly what I did. I became tyrants and conqueror emperors through time. Then when the turn of the century came, I invented many cruel and subjugated organizations. Right before WW2, I killed the man destined to lead Germany to peace. I took his place, and made the NAZI regime and thought I destroyed humanity. However, humanity struck back some, enough to ruin my plans. I decided to leave the political game for a bit and build up power economically. I then found a more subtle way to influence men politically. I gave some select people money to express absurd thoughts into the right places. Then the Heaven was unlocked. I grew stronger, but I still needed to find my eye. Then I heard the bell. I needed to be fast.[/i][/color] Motive: [color=92278f][i]"Find my eye, then I can kill the welplings and wake Solaria and Lunus. Then as they mourn their dead children, I'll destroy their creation."[/i][/color] Optional Content [color=92278f]"My poor eye..."[/color]