[@Cerces22] Well I'm Demifluid irl (name's Tiye btw or you can use Metamore, you don't gotta call me Rin, lol), if that's what you were wondering, I guess? ..I also would never describe a character being nonbinary or trans a "wonky trait," so you don't really have to excuse anything on my behalf. [@Balthazar007] I get misgendered every day and even the very few, trusted people I'm out to irl mess up sometimes, so I don't expect perfection from you either. I just like to use roleplay for some minor escapism where trans people don't have to worry about or shoulder stuff like misgendering or really any transphobia cuz I get enough of that awful shit irl. I can see you're an trying, and I appreciate that :) Though, you still reffered to Rin by the wrong pronouns twice after your edit. [quote]"[i]Or will [u]she[/u] pass it up and use their new flute[/i]?"[/quote] In the first paragraph, and then... [quote]"[i]They made [u]her[/u] way north to Route 3 as fast as they could.[/i]"[/quote] Under the Hider. *dusts off hands* Personal conversation over, I'll have a response up by tomorrow. Been a busy day with the baby again, so I only really have time to check in a little for the night before I go into baby lockdown mode! ((cuz her parents spoil her rotten, and so she has no bedtime DX)) Seeya through the screen! ☆~. Goodnight .~☆