[@Dervish] Well, I felt the need for more drama. And I was like: "future locket with holo pictures of those he has lost/might have lost." Because I'm a garbage person. Oh yeah. I love my long posts. No worries. I was just in an RP on Gaia that had a default of every post is 1200 words. And there were a lot of filler posts. Like it's one thing if it is a fun ride filled with things happening, or if someone was stretching to reach a minimum word count. Yeah Iwaku had a lot of variety, but most things die quickly. I was in an RP that lasted about a year until the GM learned that her MC wasn't shipped with a certain character, and she killed it. Beyond that, most RPs died within a month. I understand the love of a staying power. I totally understand wanting to make characters important. I do that in every DnD session I have. Even if it sticks or doesn't. XD Still trying to make one character's jar of mayo important, because it manages to show up every time. Every damn time. She tried to put a fire out with it last time.