Appearance: A man of an average size who stands at 5'6", he usually is seen wearing a variety of clothes from time to time, and on occasion the dress blues he was issued in boot camp several years ago for various... festivities. He has typical brown hair, brown eyes, and a lean build accompanied from constant PT and rigorous training brought over from just having gotten done with his contract several months ago. He's usually seen wearing a leather motorcycle suit and helmet however, denoted in the Harley Davidson fashion with a concealed .45 colt pistol, a daypack on his back and a Ka-Bar stached away in such. Name: David Turner Age: 22 Gender: Male Talents: Motor Transport/Maintenance: David had learned how to drive a variety of heavy-duty vehicles while he was training at Fort Jackson, North Carolina. Once he went into the fleet he had managed to drive and learn to work on a good variety of vehicles, having had to drive them to save the lives of his own Marines during many differing firefights within Somalia at the time. He's obtained his CDL's and certificates to work on heavier platforms in the civilian world, and has planned to see if he could make a living after having just left out of his first contract. Combat Training: He learned how to fight mainly from the MCMAP programs, and constant training he did throughout his time in the Marine Corp. stacked with his experience with fighting in Somalia. Hunting: He spent a small portion of his life living in the woods of northern florida hunting deer and other animals with his dad, being a sort of poor backwoods family that lived off the land. He learned how to skin a buck and run a trout line, cook his own food and grow it if necessary. Backstory: You wouldn't think a story of a Human would be too interesting, since the majority of the species in itself proves to be mediocre in how they end their lives with a lack of satisfaction, or sometimes satisfaction but those cases are rare. The story of David Turner begins within the northern portions of Florida within a small hospital, born to Margaret Turner and Jonathan Turner. A poor couple of individuals who had managed to barely scrape up a living within the northern woods of Florida, working as a maid within a hotel and Jonathan a lowly paid welder. The two barely managed to scrape by as is, paying all the bills they had to, alongside insurance on the car and so on, but David Turner brought a new care to their rather... miserable lives at the time. His first few years were mostly spent with his mom in the small house they lived in within the woods, playing with the family dog and cat on occasion, and having small adventures into the woods that usually led to a whipping from either his mother or rarely his father who was always away at work. Fast forward a few years and he began to go to a small set of public schools, where he spent most of his time in elementary school being kicked around and picked on, mainly due to always being the most quiet individual in his class and always having a... depressed mood due to hearing his parents argue all the time within the house back home. Most of his time in middle school later on was playing sports and mostly studying, and on occasion hanging out with the select group of friends he had chosen to hang out with. He resorted to getting his driver's permit and job as soon as he could when he was 15, mainly as a way of finding something to get away from home from. His parents weren't exactly abusive but the tension in the house was always... high, due to the financial situation the family always was in, despite being so small. His high school years were... questionable, due to his first year in 9th grade having been spent with the wrong quote on quote "crowd' of sorts that nearly got him into jail one Friday night, having managed to get out of it before he was caught. He took this as the opportunity to never... lean too far off of the path he was on, deciding to study and play sports throughout high school. He spent the next several years on the wrestling team and taking part in AP classes, graduating as a honor grad within high school before going off to boot camp only so many months later. Fast forward four years worth of both pain, tears, and oddly enough fun, dragging himself through both boot camp, MCT and MOS school. The desert towns of Somalia and the deserts of the Middle East. A four year contract with him ending it off with his CDL's and certificates he needed to break off from the service to live properly in the civilian world. Although ending it as a Corporal, semi-decent for one's first contract, he's found himself constantly riding his motorcycle from place to place within the U.S. looking for a job due to the shrinking job market, not knowing necessarily how to start his new life, or to sign back off into the service. Motive: "I... really don't know at this point, besides this motorcycle, daypack on my back and this pistol I got at my side and my old Ka-Bar. All the money I saved up as well, not sure what to do... suppose we'll see, yeah?"