[quote=@Unknown100] [@Omega Man] Is there any chance we could abandon the whole episode format? I very much feel us as players can't create or introduce much, only react to what you introduce. [/quote] A good many of the episodes were born from conversations with players. And I'm all for more character-centric episodes, I just don't wanna put another one out there and then that particular player/character not really do anything with it. As far as the other episodes go, at times I'm vague and try to give you guys room to create.... but then again sometimes that doesn't play out either. It's why I mentioned in the OP of this iCheck what type of GM I try to be. I'll give you guys an idea of what to do... but it's up to you guys to actually make something happen. Players flesh out the RP, not the other way around. It's also why the Sample Post has a theme. I gave you guys and girls an idea and mentioned a couple different things you could toy with in a sample post. If your character teleports to HQ then doesn't do anything or try to find anybody [this includes background Leaguers there SPECIFICALLY for situations like these] then that's on you. If your character wasn't doing anything interesting before teleporting to HQ.... again that's on you. The quality of the Sample Post will be a big determining factor in whether or not characters/players are accepted in vol. 2. Essentially it helps me figure out who's creative and who isn't. I'm just looking for more effort out of the cast this time around. [b][color=black][h3]- Ω[/h3][/color][/b]