Airus spoke first to Yomi the guardian who had greeted him. "I did not expect they would tolerate you staying." He paused stifling a chuckle when the older man asked what the Empire would want with a bunch of dusty old books. "It's simple, to destroy them or perhaps steal knowledge. "I am Airus Vel Aath, Lorekeeper." To most that title would simply mean librarian to the Whills it was an old title, but one that referred to a Jedi who kept history and knowledge. Archiving in the grand temple on Coruscant. "Those moldy old books brought me all the way here... And I started my journey many years ago on Coruscant." The bandage wrapped man smiled at Yomi, wanting him to his dedication and care would not go unrespected. "However, I see an interesting bunch around me, I'd like to know the other people who make a pilgrimage to this holy site." Airus gaged those around him, first at Talen-Jei, his talent as an empath and his own force sight let him understand what he was trying to find, a weakness. "No need to mask my scent... And no need to avoid predators, I can tell you there are currently no squads within three blocks. I could look beyond if I wished but I do not care too, my vision as you might refer to it is unlimited by where I might need to see... Thus I am always aware where the predator is." He explained, turning his head if only to speak at the hunter. "You seek a weakness in me with your eyes. A word of warning? Behind a bantha herd often hides a Krayt dragon, never trust appearance." Turning his head to direct his voice next at Kit next, his sense reached out, then pain rushed forward to his mind. He gripped his Beskar staff tightly collapsing to a knee. "You were... There... Mandalore... Through all of that." He grunted and moved to slowly start to stand again, his body shakey. His own memories flooding forward, his fear and pain on those days after his escape. "I was... I was there too, so many lost so much." He spoke trying to regain his composure. "I was there... To record the life and times of the late Duchess in my youth, my staff it was a present from the family that hosted me." He still leaning on the staff as he took shallow breaths, he had only gleaned the emotion and pain triggering his own memories and nothing more. "I... I am sorry." He offered and her a pained and remorseful expression on his face. Not one of pity but of someone who had experienced much the such, the loss and pain of the family. His hood fell away, revealing the wild short hair upon the young man's head.