Just twenty minutes until the deadline; sorry I'm new to these forums, and I've been working diligently to get this character done in time for this RP. I'm a giant fan of the ME series, and this seemed like an excellent place to get myself going RP wise. I hope you'll have me, and please excuse any poor grammar for the time being. I'm actively going through and adjusting that/making corrections as we speak. [hider=Kaitlin Raethe] [center][h3]Kaitlin Raethe[/h3][/center] [indent][B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Profile:[/B] Adept [B]DOB:[/B] 2161CE [B]Homeworld:[/B] Mars [/indent] [B]Appearance:[/B] [hider] [img]http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/equals-kristen-stewart.jpeg[/img][/hider] You wouldn’t suspect an incredibly powerful biotic adept to be hidden under Kaitlin’s petite stature, and you certainly wouldn’t expect the kind of volcanic like rage burning within her heart underneath such a demure outward attitude. But as is the cliche, looks are often deceiving. To look into her sapphire blue eyes you would sense a general distrust of everyone, and everything. Though you would also gather a feeling of desperation; as though she were truly trying to fight her natural instincts, and trust in others. When outside of her armor, she opts for mostly white colors, and of a simple yet professional attire. [B]Background:[/B] Kaitlin is the accidental result of her red-sand addicted mother, and the method in which her mother payed for her habitual drug abuse; prostitution. Born in the latter-half of 2161 in the crime ridden slums of Deseado City, Kaitlin’s early life was one of poverty and neglect. Her mother was convinced of the idea that she could both raise her daughter, and continue her self-destructive lifestyle at the same time. Of course this was an impossible fantasy, and Kaitlin was often the subject of neglect, and even abuse at the hands of her mother’s clientele and suppliers. Worse still, Kaitlin would never discover her father, only that it was one of the many gentleman callers her mother kept. It wasn’t until just after her eighth birthday that fate would change for Kaitlin, at least in a somewhat positive way. Her mother had owed many people money, and at least a few of those who’d lent her the credits for her addiction weren’t interested in being paid back the way she normally would have. So when Kaitlin’s mother again failed to pay back one of her creditors on time, she was murdered and put on display for the other poverty stricken people in Deseado City to see. No justice was ever brought to those that had killed her, instead she’d simply wound up nothing more than a statistic. Kaitlin was orphaned not long after her mother’s murder, and unfortunately for her it wasn’t a particularly good orphanage. She would have surely followed down her mother’s path, were it not for the one trait that helped her stand out from the others at her orphanage. Kaitlin, was a biotic. Her powers had began to manifest within her, and it didn’t take long for her to garner the attention of wealthy Mars Entrepreneur, Jonathan Raethe. Raethe had come to Mars some fifteen years earlier as part of the prospecting surge the planet had seen in the wake of the Prothean discovery in 2148. He’d established one of the very first Element Zero mining operations in Deseado City, and had profited immensely because of it. Fascinated with the effects eezo had on humans, and the biotic abilities it granted them; to Raeth, Kaitlin was the kind of daughter that could truly intrigue him. At first the adoption had seemed like a miracle to the young Kaitlin, but as time went on in her new home with her new family, she soon discovered that she was far from a welcome part of it all. Maria Raethe, her adopted mother held nothing but scorn for Kaitlin, as she’d objected to her husband’s adoption of her in the first place. Jonathan and Maria had after all already raised five children, and adding a sixth at their advanced age seemed like an obvious mistake to her. She was an outcast in her new home, scorned by her new mother, outright hated by her adopted brothers and sisters, and seen as nothing more than a pet project for her new father. By the time she was eleven, she’d been sent off to a newly established Private School for Biotic humans on Neptune’s Moon, Triton. At the Alpha Academy, as it was called, Kaitlin’s biotic skills and abilities were honed and strengthened under the relentless lash of a Turian instructor by the name of Tazyrnnus. Disgusted by humans, but not blind to the number of credits the parents of her students were willing to pay, Tazyrnnus ran an unfairly brutal school. In addition to their regular schooling, the students at Alpha Academy were expected to maintain an almost militaristic training regimen. This all aided them as their biotic abilities intensified, but it hampered their natural development as adults. Many of the students at Alpha Academy developed social disorders, and under the cruel lash of their instructor, they themselves grew cruel. Unfortunately for Kaitlin, she was often the subject of the cruelty of her fellows. Only one other student seemed to genuinely care for her, Jason, a boy two years older than she was. Jason had also been an orphan, his parents killed in an accident some time earlier; he’d been sent to Alpha Academy by his wealthy Uncle. The loss of his parents was an early theme that connected him with Kaitlin, and the two of them became the closest of friends. Ostracized for this by the other students, Jason didn’t seem to care. However, that changed sometime after Kaitlin had turned fourteen. Jason now sixteen had grown interested in some of the other, older girls at the school, and as he showed interest in them, his interest in her seemed to dwindle. Disheartened and worried that she’d lose her only friend, Kaitlin was desperate to keep Jason to herself, and she tried to appeal to him by acting more like they were. But when she did, Jason outright rejected her in front of everyone. Incensed by this, Kaitlin flew into a fit of rage like she never had before, and she reached out with her biotics to Jason, and threw him through a wall. Her attack had been so vicious, and so violently brutal that she’d broken nearly every bone in Jason’s body, killing him instantly. Though it was deemed a tragic accident, her violent outburst was something that couldn’t be tolerated at Alpha Academy, and she was expelled. Kaitlin left the memory of the only friend she’d ever had, on that cold frozen moon as she was sent back to the family that never wanted her. While most people were outright fearful of the immense power Kaitlin possessed, her adoptive over was simply impressed, and he hired her a new private tutor to continue her biotic abilities and skills. Her new tutor, Jaseena, an Asari Matriarch that had long since retired from her days as a commando. Although Jaseena also brought a tough hand to Kaitlin in her training, there was a softer edge to it at times, and this allowed her to control and contain the powerful young biotic during her continued formative years. Kaitlin grew to respect and even like Jaseena, in her she’d found a role model and mentor. In fact, the respect was mutual as Jaseena also grew to admire her young protege. So much so, that when Kaitlin came of age, Jaseena helped her escape the clutches of her adoptive father, who had continued to view her as a prized trophy. It was with Jaseena’s help that Kaitlin was able to escape her father’s compound on Mars, though it wasn’t done without violence. Teamed together, Kaitlin and Jaseena’s biotic powers made light work of the security teams that Kaitlin’s adopted father had employed. Impressed by the way Kaitlin had handled herself in a live combat scenario, Jaseena offered to take Kaitlin with her to the Citadel to start a new life as part of a private security firm, and over the course of five years the two of them provided protection for a multitude of clients. Sometime later, through some back channels, Jaseena learned of the Andromeda Initiative, and she convinced Kaitlin to apply to the program with her. Kaitlin was apprehensive at first, but when Jaseena pressured her, she went through with it. It didn’t take long for her application process to be completed, and her status as accepted; Jaseena had expressed the same result to Kaitlin, though in reality she had been denied due to her advanced age. Wishing a better life for her protege in a new Galaxy, Jaseena lied to Kaitlin, telling her that she’d meet her in Andromeda when the time came. Kaitlin, now a member of ARK Hyperion entered her cryosleep with the illusion that her friend and mentor would join her in Andromeda, entirely unaware that she’d stayed behind. Only a message from Jaseena explaining her denied application, and her wish that Kaitlin start anew in Andromeda were awaiting her when she awoke. She’d finally learned the truth and mourned the memory of Jaseena, knowing that she’d surely have died in the nearly seven hundred years that had passed since their departure from the Milky Way Galaxy. [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet. Reserved. Shy. Kaitlin’s life of neglect and abuse by others has left her socially unprepared to deal with others on a regular basis. As such, she’s often one to be left alone. Though, she has had a few successful friendships in her past; it generally takes a while for someone to get through her generally reserved expression and exterior. Lacking worst of all a sense of humor, she has trouble finding amusement in the same things that others do. Though she is actively trying to change, and adapt her responses to be more in keeping with what is expected of her. [B]Reason for being awoken from Cryo (Specific jobs, skills, and Initiative Application):[/b] An extremely powerful and talented biotic, Kaitlin was awoken from her Cryosleep by a member of the Nexus security, who’d sought help in an investigation involving a biotic. A source of invaluable guidance, and even a hand in the apprehension of the biotic criminal had proven Kaitlin’s worth to the Initiative. She was assigned to an APEX Team, where her skills as a biotic adept would again prove invalubale. [B]Equipment:[/B] [indent]M-12 Locust Submachine Gun, Manufacturer Kassa Fabrication L2x Electonic Brain Implant Nexus Omni-Tool III Light Andromeda Initiative Armor[/indent] [B]Powers:[/B] [list=*] Throw Lift Warp Barrier[/list] [B]Font Colour:[/B] [/hider]