[center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/5IRTs54.jpg [/img] [/center] [center][b] [Kyra Petrovich, District 15, Down the Street from the Dead Body] [/b] [/center] [@GreenGoat] [@Krayzikk] The summer was in full swing within District 15. A modern metropolis within the greater metropolitan area that was Academy city, District 15 was known by many as the “Entertainment District” for its many upon many of attractions so see. From the sea of shops and malls and merchant stands to the theatre and arts, anything and everything and everything could be found in District 15, so long as you know the time and place. Having been let off of her shift from work, Kyra was found in a place where she often goes when she is bored, a meager bookshop found within an alleyway. It was a godsend that she had found this place when she began to attend classes .After all, there was nothing greater to Kyra’s ranking than the embrace of a book. To her it mattered not the contents of the books she had read, and though she did have her preferences, she simply enjoyed the “act of reading” rather than the books themselves. After all, the pursuit of knowledge, both useful and pointless, was at the most pivotal position within the mind of Kyra. There were three items that caught Kyra’s attention: A new book for a light novel series she had been keeping up on, a textbook on local fauna, and “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, the latter of which was in Russian. Bringing up the goods to the elderly cashier, the two made small talk about how Kyra always comes around and how she enjoys her company, even though Kyra seemed mostly apathetic about the whole ordeal. Of course, there was comradery from the perspective of two enthusiasts, but Kyra tended to keep herself somewhat distant from others. Not exactly a cold person, but not the sort to directly look for interaction; a preference of the “self” was over the external. Leaving the shop, Kyra took the brown paper bag the shopkeeper had placed the books in and started towards her dorm. Though this was a sort of Entertainment District, none of the shops within the area really interested Kyra. Though it was not as if she did not have friends, she never really considered those she was around as more than acquaintances. It was rare for her to spend more time with another than she would on her rather vast collection of literature she had within her dorm room; almost acting as if a rather solid library, though perhaps not at the same scale. Kyra would have returned home. She would have returned home and had read her books. But therein existed an “oddity” within her view. At first she did not believe what she was seeing, but it appeared that a colleague from work was currently being chased by a rather bulky looking woman. Of course ,this was a strange event of its own, but behind the two there appeared to be several people crowding around something she could hardly make out from the dimly lit streets of the area. But that wasn’t her issue. If someone was getting ganged up upon by others, it was not like Kyra to simply sit back and watch. Kyra would not allow for someone she knew to be seemingly bullied by a group of Students. After all, that was something that just wasn’t right. [color=ed1c24]“Halt,”[/color] Kyra said in a rather plain tone towards the person chasing Harumi. It seemed less like a “statement” and more as if she intended it to be a demand, though she hardly emoted towards such an expression. [color=ed1c24]“I don’t exactly know who you are, but continue to bother Haru and we are going to have a problem, punk.”[/color]