A World-Building section, if you've ever seen an actual one, is a stand-alone forum. I don't see why adding an OOC, IC, Character Thread (tabs) you would see when you stand the game up. I don't see how that would be a solution when simply renaming the Test Forum to say "World-Building" and rewriting the description to include world-building is an easier change or renaming the Test Forum and creating a blank forum for the Test Forum when hardly anyone uses it as what it was originally deemed to be would be better I guess. The Test Forum is actually a waste since people can test signatures by easily adding it to their name and then looking at it. Bbcode is already tested with the "preview" function. This site doesn't use HTML, bots, or scripts, so it seems like an overall useless forum even if it is claimed that one is needed when it isn't. The World-Building section literally is a section for drafted ideas that you either use or don't use. If you try and merge RP tabs on there because you are hoping people will always turn the drafts into a RP, then that's a waste. Using the test forum as an example, for each game, you would be able to make as many threads as you want versus one thread to encompass all of your ideas without worrying about "clutter" or what anyone else says. A Beast Log and even a Towns, Cities, and Kingdoms log is definitely going to get their own threads and not be smashed into one thread. Since it will be constantly updated and the ease of scrolling through the information and only that information is granted. But that is literally all that needs to be done. Making an extra tab for world-building in the RP format is not a good idea lol. Actually, I take that back. That is not all. I should be able to permit a select few of people to add or edit the creations. So when I make a thread, if I have co-GMs or friends building it with me, there should be a function to allow them to edit the post. Similar to how co-GMs are added to a game. Co-GMs given permission by the OP would allow for collaborative writing without the need for a third-party program. If you are running a website, you want people to use your website more versus using other websites. It is business practice. The better your features, the more users will come to your site. If you have lost interest in this discussion, no one is forcing you to continue.