[color=green]"What do I want?"[/color] Katherine asked in return. What did that mean exactly? Maybe she meant personally. [color=green]"A harem of women to call on whenever I please?"[/color] Katherine teased a bit. [color=green]"But if you mean why we have you here... Well, that was my sister's call. It's hard to say no to her beauty though, isn't it?"[/color] She said, complimenting Marise in the process. [color=ba55d3]"I could do it rather easily, actually."[/color] Himeko mentioned, electing to stand instead of sit. She took a peek around the room and felt it was both grand and rather bland. The only sign of character were the dolls that seemed to resemble Livia and Katherine. [color=green]"Oh, hush you."[/color] Katherine said to Himeko, relatively unconcerned about her doings. Instead she turned to the other girl, Charlotte. [color=green]"As for who I am... I suppose I am fairly important. Being a daughter of the most powerful family in the city is not laughing matter. Even if I was only adopted, but try not to spread that too much. That aside, you are looking for something? What pray tell are you seeking?"[/color] She was just playing nice for now until Marise returned, and she rather hoped it would be soon.