[right][h2][sup][i][color=f07560]Knight[/color][/i][/sup][/h2][i]Rosaline Buckner[/i] [i]The Circus[/i][/right] All at once, Knight suddenly felt Kaze’s attack on her armor. Countless slices that all appeared at the exact same time, and Knight got a terrible premunition that if there was ever a time when her walls would fall from too much firepower, she now had an opponent with an infinite amount of slices to do it with… but she held. And, in turn, she carried on and slammed into the cage. There, that should do it. Then, Knight simply had to grab and restrain- Kaze fell, Knight missed her desperate grab. Damn. Lifting herself like this without most of her senses, Knight wasn’t even sure which direction was down. With hopes that Zabaniya was not attacking right now, Knight spun about in air and opened tiny holes around her eyes in the armor. They provided extremely limited vision, like looking through a clenched fist opened so just the slightest hole is visible, but quite a few of those provided at least [i]acceptable[/i] vision. Still greatly limited vision, but certainly better than none and hopefully Black Kaze couldn’t strike through. Knight knew Zabaniya could, and then her eyes would be in danger. A quick glance confirmed that Zabaniya was focusing on the smoke and Kaze was glaring straight back at her, and Knight heard her words. [color=f07560][i]… Good! Focus on me! I’m the one you can never beat, Black Kaze![/i][/color] … Which wasn’t entirely true, but it helped to think like that. Now, there was the fact that Knight could probably never catch Black Kaze due to teleportation, but she could hold her attention. Knight nodded to Black Kaze, before sending herself thundering down at her opponent, sword raised and swinging down to strike. In case of teleportation Knight intended on simply spinning to see where she had gone through the tiny holes, and hopefully Black Kaze would be unable to harm her through the armor, before taking off to pursue Kaze again. Keep her occupied. Not let her rest. Not allow her to target the others. And, if she ever managed to get another hit in, it was time to make an attempt to restrain her with Knight’s power, probably at the expense of her armor, but losing her armor to eliminate one of the most wanted criminals in the world? Worth it. So worth it. She could only hope Ifrit and Gamble were doing fine, too…