[center] [color=DarkOrange] [h1][b]Agron Wilson[/b][/h1] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/4c520a6fc396846f7f193f8601c5349c/tumblr_nnfhfhfIyV1rmfzd9o1_540.gif[/img] [h3]"If I told you what I was, would you turn your back on me?"[/h3] -Agron Wilson [hr][hr] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/205576801/large.gif[/img] [b][h2]General information[/h2][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Agron Wilson [b]Nick-Names:[/b] Junior [b]Alias[/b]: Ravager [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Student, H.I.V.E Mercenary [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Wakanda, Africa [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Date Of Birth:[/b] April 13th, 1994 [b]Appearance - Human:[/b] [img]http://www.profightdb.com/img/wrestlers/thumbs-600/1a333eed66roman-reigns.jpeg[/img] [hr][hr] [b][h2]Relationship information[/h2][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Its complicated [b]Sexuality[/b]: Straight [b]Partner[/b]: Naevia Udaku [b]Father[/b]: Slade Wilson [b]Mother[/b]: Mari McCabb [b]Siblings[/b]: Naevia Udaku (Half-Sister) [b]Pets[/b]: Whatever his mother and sister brings home, though he claims [url=www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/222003-Relaxing-Lion.jpg]Kovu[/url] as his own [b]Other[/b]: Though T'Challa is technically supposed to be regarded as his step-father, Agron will never see it that way, as T'Challa never treated Agron as a son. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/e5/69/f1e5690d560976b609d3b370f74aae8d.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [b][h2]Personal information[/h2][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Personality[/b] Agron is a man of honor who operates under a strict code of ethics taught to him by his father and the military, yet his sense of morality is flawed. He is a man who believes in using deadly force, and at times has acted as judge, jury and executioner for those he deems without honor or worth. Agron is, however, particular about the jobs he chooses, often turning down jobs that would compromise his personal moral compass, such as it is. In some occasions, he has fought on the side of angels merely because he believed in the cause. Other times, he has taken cases and committed acts other heroes would be disgusted by. Agron, however, is a man capable of extreme devotion, whether it is to his family, friends or ex-lovers. He has always sought to protect those who have been close to them, and would not hesitate to lay down his life in exchange for theirs. Agron is also a man who has a hard time expressing his feelings. His lack of expression makes him believe that he would never be a good father, or husband. Recently, he had distanced himself from his family for their own protection as things with H.I.V.E. got a little hair before the contract went out. Despite his recent changes, Agron remains a man of mystery. Whether he will walk the side of angels or take the path to hell remains to be seen. You never know quite what to expect from him... And he would have it no other way. [b]Likes and Dislikes[/b] [/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=DarkOrange]New armor and weapons[/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=DarkOrange]Weapons of all kinds[/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=DarkOrange]Being just like his father[/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=DarkOrange]The feeling of the synthetic Mirakuru and how it makes him stronger[/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=DarkOrange]Fulfilling contracts for H.I.V.E[/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=DarkOrange]Sparring with his father[/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=DarkOrange]Ignorance[/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=DarkOrange]Short hair[/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=DarkOrange]When his father tries to help him where help is not needed[/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=DarkOrange]Not being considered as an heir to Wakanda[/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=DarkOrange]The Teen Titans[/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=DarkOrange]T'Challa (Black Panther)[/color] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/2128df04d4d35f432e79f1b6051c9577/tumblr_ofqmsvPGlS1vxmjuao1_1280.gif[/img] [color=DarkOrange] [b]Hobbies:[/b] Agron doesn't do much in his spare time other than training himself or others to become better, though from time to time, you can catch him reading a book or playing himself in chess to brush up on his intellectual skills. [b]Strengths:[/b] [/color] [color=green]⚜[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He will do anything to protect his sister[/color] [color=green]⚜[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He works hard at everything he does[/color] [color=green]⚜[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He believes that there is still more that he can learn[/color] [color=green]⚜[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He finishes tasks quickly[/color] [color=green]⚜[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He is good at getting through to those younger than him and teaches well[/color] [color=green]⚜[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He is extremely patient[/color] [color=DarkOrange][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [color=red]☠[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He's extremely upset by the fact that T'Challa won't accept him as a son, or heir[/color] [color=red]☠[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He often times gets blinded with rage[/color] [color=red]☠[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He has a tendency to disappear for long periods of time without explanation[/color] [color=red]☠[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He likes to do things on his own[/color] [color=red]☠[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He's very hard-headed[/color] [color=red]☠[/color] [color=DarkOrange]He doesn't believe the synthetic Mirakuru in his system is killing him[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GH6i1t6.gif[/img] [color=DarkOrange] [b]Brief Biography:[/b] Born in Africa by a mother who had gotten pregnant by a man from Australia, Agron spent the first few years of his life between parents. Though Slade didn't care much for him in his younger years, it wasn't until Mari became interested in the Black Panther and got her pregnant with Naevia did he decide to step up as the boys father. Mari took care of him for the most part, but an agreement had been made that every summer, Agron would visit him, no questions asked. Mari knew what kind of man Slade was, and though apprehensive, felt as though she could trust him. It was where Agron's training began, and the bond between father and son truly started to form. Agron loved his time with his father. And though he would go to Australia for the summer, the two didn't necessarily always stay there. Slade took him on many trips around the world, and spent quite a bit of time training the young boy to fight not with just weapons and his body, but also with his mind. With his father's help, Agron was enlisted into the Australian army by the time he was sixteen and spent a few years abroad away from both parents and his little sister. He climbed the ranks quickly, but by the time he reached eighteen he wanted something a little different and moved to New York City where he fell under the seduction of H.I.V.E. a group of assassins that's main focus was the Teen Titans. However, his new friends and his constant infidelity threatened any relationship he might have with any woman, especially when he was ready to start getting serious. The final straw came when Starfire crashed into his apartment, and his living space was destroyed by Gordanians who were hunting the alien princess. The New Teen Titans fended off the Gordanians, but Agron blamed them for both destroying his apartment and convincing his girlfriend to leave him. So Agron saw to it that they were attacked by him frequently and occasionally called on his father for help, which was received very well. In a bid for revenge, he allowed H.I.V.E. scientists to give him powers that were identical to those of Deathstroke. The formula killed him in the process, but the given-ability of regeneration was quick to start his heart back up, bringing him back after just sixty seconds of death. Taking on the name Ravager, in honor of his older half-brother, he promised to assassinate the Titans. Each and every one of them. Slade tried to warn his son that his powers were unstable and slowly killing him, but Agron refused to listen. In one particular attack on the Titans, Agron was assumed dead, though no body was ever found, and ended up disappearing for a number of years. However, with the contract out and a truce amongst seemingly everyone, Agron has decided that it is time to come back - and he knows exactly where his little sister and father will be. [hr][hr] [b][h2]Powers and Abilities[/h2][/b] [hr][hr] Agron Wilson was enhanced by H.I.V.E. scientists, having tried to recreate the Mirakuru that Slade Wilson has in his system. The process actually killed him for the whole of sixty-seconds, but the fast-working regenerative powers started his heart again. This process has made Agron near superhuman. Like his father, Agron is able to utilize nine times more than a human's full brain capacity for information processing and sorting, making his mind is virtually a computer built for strategy and problem-solving, one that works at optimal ability even when under stress and fatigue. Using his superior problem-solving skills, Agron can work out a battle ahead of time for many possibilities and predict enemy movements and tactics after the battle has engaged by recalling and utilizing memorized mannerisms acquired through past experience on a moment's notice. He is also ingenious in devising solutions against superior aspects of opponents, can observe and exploit, and can calculate distance, speed, and time at lightning speeds; his sense of timing is superb, bordering on perfection. Also given by the Mirakuru, Agron possesses enhanced reflexes. The speed at which he reacts allows him to dodge fast-moving projectiles such as arrows and bullets. He can usually out-react even the fastest humans, no matter how well-trained save for meta-humans such as the Flash. His entire muscular system was hardened and strengthened, allowing Agron to be "as strong as 10 men" rivaling his own father. He can exert himself at peak capacity greater than any human could and possess the ability to run at speeds of up to 30mph and long distances far out-performing any Olympic athlete. Agron's senses have also been augmented to higher levels of ability. He can hear, see, and smell things better than a normal human. With an enhanced ability to heal damaged tissue, the rate at which Agron's body recovers from injury and capable of being repaired before death. As such, Agron's body can take a tremendous amount of punishment before succumbing to death. Simple gunshots and stab wounds, cuts, and broken bones can heal faster then normal. He was once impaled clean through his chest, and it did nothing but slow him down and cause great pain. His regenerative abilities have some affect on his body's ability to process through harmful, foreign substances as well, and he has become naturally immune to deadly poisons and illnesses. It is because of this that Agron, like his father, ages at a slower rate, appearing younger than he actually is. On an offensive scale, Agron has been expertly honed under the practices of hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship and tactical analysis. Though unlike his father, doesn't posses quite the fortitude of assault weapons by comparison. [hr][hr] [b][h2]Other information[/h2][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Other:[/b] Agron had spent over five years working with H.I.V.E and his father before the contract went out [img]https://static.tumblr.com/68797bd4c3c4544eb5679bb85c0e2ffe/hwg5v3x/Zmsnrl5sn/tumblr_static_tumblr_static__640.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [b][h2]Theme Song[/h2][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGbNbn8tB5k[/youtube] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/350126aa0593da3b7ece46cabd5350208b9ea159/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4f4a54724e634b766634345952673d3d2d3435393332383830362e3134646366663039626365366265343539393535383430323034342e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img] [/color] [/center]