[quote=@TheUnknowable] [@KoL]My phone doesn't run on a fusion reactor because the tech doesn't exist for multiple reasons. I seriously doubt that entropy has anything to do with it. The kinetic energy is mostly absorbed by the whole suit, some of it becoming heat. The whole "supersonic" thing is a bit ridiculous, but he could also be shedding the heat some way. I'm only RPing by myself because, like I've said, I don't know where anyone else in the city is, and they haven't introduced themselves yet. Until someone else talks to me, I have to RP by myself. [hr] You know, you sure are telling people how they have to play their characters a lot for a non-GM. Could you please not try to tell me how I have to play this RP? [/quote] Excuse me, then. If you don't like the discussion I'll stop. Either way, check my latest IC post and you [i]may[/i] find something out.