[quote=@Holy Soldier] I was helping organize the site. The truth here is, if the Moderators decided to implement this idea, the people who are bemoaning it happening would still continue to write on this site [i]regardless[/i]. It doesn't affect them in any way. As for the writers, [u][b]it gives the people who "actually" world-build[/b][/u] and who actually role play on this site a section for their drafts, ideas, and where they can place their concepts without having to choose from multiple different sections that really aren't meant for world-building. We're literally just "making" it a world-building thread because there's no real place to put the ideas. So you have world-building appearing in multiple sections for no reason. All you have to do is make a section for it. [/quote] Implying that people who world-build [i]need[/i] an explicit world building section when the majority of the people who posted here, myself included, stated the contrary. It also comes with the flipside of meaning that those who don't use a world-building section don't world-build. Perhaps I've gone blind somewhere, but I'm not attacking you. Telling people to drop off of the discussion just because you don't agree with their opinion is a big way to show that you don't know how to argument. Don't forget that, we have not seen one single opinion in favor of yours. Or a good counter point other than "even if it got done and people didn't use it, no one would stop playing here." It's the same thing as a city building a random statue just because no one would move because of it. It's not a good argument in favor of your point, not at all.