[@Heat] Ha ha of course. I think you damn possible spiritual messages just a bit much. But hey, it's your taste. But if you read those lyrics "I tune to my ears to the BBC. I can hear them, they can't hear me, I long to forget the horrors I've seen. I live like a ghost and I'll die with the free." yet got "generic love song" out of that, I got absolutely nothing to add. (except that I wish more generic bands had an entire band of good singers that knew how to harmonize like that. XP) Though if we must talk about lyrics and how a song improves by adding them, or on rare occasion they'd just be better if they were removed. If they're bad lyrics, or if they are meaningless. These lyrics seem to fall in the latter category. (And there's no particular lines that would get stuck in your head either.) They just seem to be a bet on how many bigger words that they could use in a song. You could find lyrics like this in most Deathcore albums. Though a possible saving grace, could be the vocalist, but he sounds the same as most generic weak metal vocalists. Basically musical filler that you're not supposed to pay attention to. (And vocalists often make or break songs for me.) He has absolutely no powerful moments. So really the song lives or dies on it's instrumental, which technical death metal tends to focus on anyway. I enjoy the talent being displayed, solid drumming and guitar work (and solo) etc. Though I've listened to the track 3 times now and I still can't really fully enjoy the piece. Maybe it's because I woke up this morning with a bit too much wax in my ears. But it just seems too haphazard or disconnected, but not weird/impressive enough for it to suddenly shift into me loving it again. However, I may give the whole album a shot. Because it just seems like it's a band that's far better as a whole than individually. So thanks for the album recommendation. 6/10 Some awesome guitar work, without any clumsy vocals to get in the way. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBAN7ngKe2w[/youtube]